Chapter one

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Diana was just a normal girl. She was bullied and teased by her classmates. She wished to have a bestfriend. She had few friend, but they were not true ones.

Diana's POV

Hi! I'm Diana. I survived in school without having true friends. I had a bestfriend once, she is so generous, sweet, caring, and kind. But she forgot me and never came back. She became so bad because she was hanging out with some bad people.

"Diana!! Wake up! Time for breakfast! You'll miss school." My mom shouted

"I'll be there!" answered with a sleepy voice

When i went down, my mom was preparing breakfast for me. I was ready for school. I was not excited to go on our first day cause I have no friends. But I want to have one. So I eat some bacon and bread with eggs, and some orange juice. I rushed upstairs to brush my teeth and I'm ready. My school bus was there, I went in and lots of people are so noisy, throwing papers at me. I don't wat to be bothered by them, so I seated at the last seat in the bus. After a long ride, we arrived. I went to class and looked at my classmates.. They're all the same. So i sit on the seat of my classmate who was in the lobby. When she returned, she got mad at me which make me sit at the back. I almost cried but i covered my face and wiped my tear. One student came, he was late. His punishment was to sit at the back beside me.

"Hi. I'm Niall." He said.

"Hi. I'm Diana." I answered.

Niall is a tall guy, he is cute, has blonde hair and nice blue eyes. I wish he could be my bestfriend. I think he is a nice guy and a gentleman too.

Niall's POV

I entered the classroom door, ugh! I was late! The teacher told me that i should sit at the back. Well, my day is still good and it even gets better. I saw a beautidul girl, has a curly hair and she has nice eyes. So i said hi. I introduced myself to her and she responsed. I saw some of the students looked at me when I talked to her. I don't know what is going on here. What's with her that everyone talks about?

Class is over, so I went to some of the boys in our class..

"Hey. Im Niall"

"Hi Niall. Why are you looking and talking to that girl at the back?" they asked

"Who? Diana? Why?" i asked

"Well she is a loner. She is wired. She has no friends ever since we were third grade." they said.

"Well.. She will have now!" I shouted

It was our lunch time and Im busy finding her. Then i saw a single table, she was sitted there. They were right! She has no friends. I walked towards her and everyone looked at me. I ignored them while walking.

"Diana!" I shouted

"Niall? WHy are you here. Look, everyone's looking at you! Please leave." She said.

"Look. You are so pitiful. You are alone. They said that you have no friends. Well can we be friends?" I asked

"Really? You really mean that?" she asked

"Yes please." I begged

"YEEESSSS!" she shouted.

I was so happy when we became friends! I ate with her, talked to her, and laugh together. Its so much fun to be her friend. Well, now i have a crush on her. But will she like me back?

-end of pov-

July is coming! June will be over. So they had lots of fun being friend and they were being talked about in the class. Rumors about them being together were shared to the whole school. But they just ignored it. They keep on telling them that they are just friends. But deep inside Niall, it hurts because Diana said that they are only friends. Niall wants to be more than friends.


So this is the 1st part of my story. Please vote! Stay tuned for more chapters.. :))

"Love will never be the same without you" :">

When I met youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz