Chapter twenty-seven

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Diana's POV

The boys have been busy for two weeks. I couldn't blame them though, they are the biggest boyband in the world. And I'm lucky enough to see them everyday. I should mention this to my friends back in Ireland.

School was being a pain in the ass, but Michael was there to help me get through with it.

I was walking down the halls when I see a crowd at the center, watching something that I couldn't see from where I was standing on. The crowd were cheering and pulling out their phones to take videos of the chaos that was happening.

"Stay away from my girlfriend!" said Drake, the school star athlete.

I heard a snort and I went closer to the center, pushing people away to find out that Michael was the one who was fighting with Drake. The leather jacket says it all.

Drake threw a punch on Michael's jaw and I flinched. If there was something that I could do to stop this, but I was frozen in place. Michael stumbled back and I realized that he was drunk. "I couldn't care less about your girlfriend,"

Drake growled and attempted to give him another punch but Michael dodged it and threw Drake a punch on the gut. That gave him the chance to pin him on the ground and threw numerous punches on the jaw.

Drake was lucky enough to be conscious when a teacher came and stopped them. He had a huge black eye and a cut on his lips. His nose was bleeding and there's a purple bruise on his jawline.

Michael had bloodshot eyes and his hair was a mess. He only had a cut on the lip and that was about it.

"Mr. Dalton and Mr. Fletcher, go to the principal's office immediately," the teacher said in a calm but powerful voice. Murmurs were echoing the halls and students were starting to leave but still, I couldn't move.

"Ms. Calder,"

"Y-yes?" I squeaked.

"Go back to class," he ordered.

But I didn't. I stayed there until he sighed and left me alone.

Knowing Michael, he was always the 'bad boy' type of guy. I'm not worried for him when he got called to the principal's office, he would find his way out of this mess. I feel bad for Drake, the kid might have a broken nose from all the punching. I suddenly gasped when I remembered the broken nose that he caused me.

I know I forgave him, but you can't forget what happened, right? He made my life miserable. It was two years ago-almost three, but it seems just recently.

And he was one of the reasons why I'm here. What if I wasn't grounded? What if I had access to gadgets and televisions? What if I could stay longer in school to hear gossips and updates? What if I didn't ignore my friends and everyone who was trying to reach up to me?

If all those things happened, I probably would know that Niall is in One Direction. I probably wouldn't have agreed to stay here because I would know that he was here. I probably wouldn't forgive him and be my bestfriend again. I probably wouldn't see Eleanor again after all those years. I probably wouldn't have met Zayn and love him. And all the things that happened with Perrie wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me.

"Skip class with me?" Michael's voice echoed throughout the halls.

"Haven't you done enough trouble in one day?"

He shrugged.

"Michael, you're drunk," he told me that he never drink anymore.

"I'm sober. Don't be such a Debbie Downer,"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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