Chapter twenty-four

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Niall's POV

I stormed out of her house because she was being... stubborn. How could she not see that I'm only protecting her from that guy? I didn't bother to apologize to because its her fault, too. She brought the past back. I am completely over that weeks ago! But I felt guilty for leaving her two years ago. I'm such an idiot.

I drove back to our flat, sighing. I practically slammed the door shut when I entered. I heard footsteps getting closer to where I was standing and saw Harry's concerned look. "You okay, mate?" He stepped closer to me. I nodded and walked past him but he grabbed my shoulder. "You don't seem to be okay. I know you, Niall." He stared at me. "I'm not okay." I shrugged and removed his hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked me. "Can we just talk about this later?" I begged and he just nodded. Seconds later, he was now gone. Why am I pushing people away? I ran towards my room and locked it immediately. I don't have the mood to have a heart to heart talk with someone. It isn't my thing. Well, yes it is but I just don't have the mood. I felt sorry for Harry.

I threw myself on the bed and shoved my phone out of my pocket. Diana will call soon and I know it. Minutes or what it seems like hours later, no calls, text or anything. She's being more difficult than I thought. I finally decided to call her. After three rings, she answered. Thank God.


"Look who decided to apologize!" She laughed. I rolled my eyes, knowing she couldn't see it. "I didn't call to apologize." I shrugged. "Why did you call then?" I know that she's mad at me right now but I'm still trying to make it up to her. "Because you didn't." She laughed really loud over the phone. "And why would you think that I would call you after what you did in my flat?" She spat. I didn't know how to answer this. I kept asking myself, why would she? It was all my fault. And I was being so damn selfish.

"Niall?" I sighed.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I'm really sorry for being so selfish. I'm sorry because I didn't apologized right away. I was just protecting you from Michael but I can see that I didn't have to because he was already a good guy. I was really looking and waiting for his worst side to come out but it didn't. That's what made me mad, Diana. I don't want you to be friends with any guy except for me. I'm sorry for being a dick to you. I realized that I didn't have the right to tell you who to be friends with. I'm really sorry, Di. I missed you so much and I don't want to fight with you anymore. Please forgive me. I'll let you think abou it, okay?" I was talking way too fast.

"Niall! Its okay! All I wanted to hear from you is that you're sorry. I forgive you, okay? But please apologize to Michael. It would really mean a lot." She said and My lips formed a big smile. "Thank you. Okay, I'll apologize. Talk to you later!" I said and hung up.

I'm glad that I fixed it. The problem is, how will I apologize to Michael? My door flew open, revealing Zayn. "Hey, man. What's up?" I asked. "Harry seems upset." I pushed myself from the bed and walked past Zayn. "Don't worry, I'll talk to him." I assured him and he nodded. I found myself running towards Harry's room. "Harry?"

"Come in." I heard him whispered.

Harry looked okay on the outside but I can it in his green eyes that he isn't. "I'm sorry." I breathed. "No, Niall, its fine with me. I understand." He lied. "No, I'm really sorry. I should've told you. And I was being a jerk to you." I tried to smile. "Then tell me why you were upset." He said and I sighed. I told him everything and he listened. He didn't say anything but listen. "I'm sor-" he cut me off, "Niall, I already told you that its okay." He laughed and I nodded. We gave each other manly hugs and I left his room.

"Niall!" I heard Zayn's voice.

I turned around and saw him walking towards me. "Yeah?"

"Can you please help me?" He pleaded.

"Yeah, anything."

"You're the one who knows Diana well and I've sort of forgot what interested her the most. I... Uhm.. Can you help me ask her out?" He stuttered. What? No. I don't know. "But you haven't handled your problem with Perrie." I said. It was true though, but I still didn't want them to be back together. I know Diana still loves him and he likes her. But I loved her and still do. And she liked me and I messed up big time.

"You're right. I have to fix this first. Thanks, man." He smiled and left.

Diana's POV

Michael and I had a great time hanging out. He already left for work and I was now alone with my brother doing nothing. I didn't go to school because of Michael's visit. Its a good thing that Niall already apologized. I didn't want more, his apology is already enough for me to forgive him.

Suddenly, the door flew open, revealing Eleanor. Her cheeks were stained with tears and make up. She was a mess. My eyes grew wide in shock. What happened? "Eleanor?" She ran towards me and hugged me tight. "Louis cheated on me." She sobbed on my shoulder. "What?! But how? What the hell!" I hugged her tighter and sat on the couch. I couldn't believe on what I was hearing. "Yeah, I know. It hurts because after all the years that we've shared is gone! He has forgotten all of it! Fuck, I don't know what to do without him." This was my first time seeing her like this- broken and vulnerable. I have to know why he cheated on her and maybe I could beat the shit out of him. "Did you talk to him?" She shook her head and continued crying. "Hey, I'll handle this. Why don't you go upstairs to my room and eat a pint of vanila ice cream, yeah?" I saw ger smile for a second before she returned sobbing. "Are you trying to make me fat?" She joked. "Maybe, maybe not." I winked at her and she nodded, heading to my room.

God, what will I do?

How could he cheat on the most beautiful girl that I've seen in my whole life? A lot of men fantasize about her and he's lucky that she chose him. After thinking things through, I was on fire. I was angry. I stormed out of the flat and headed towards One Direction. This is unacceptable. She was so sweet, caring and lovely to Louis. I don't get it. Its only one way to find out.

I didn't bother to knock and kicked the door open. Zayn, who was on the couch watching football, finched. Oops. "Diana? W-why are you here?" I glared at him, "where is he?!" I was unstable. I wanted to jump on Louis and beat him up like he deserved it. "I don't know what you're talking about." He said. But then, I realized I was talking and shouting at the boy who I love. "Shit, I'm sorry. God I'm such an idiot." I was breathing heavily. This is so embarrassing. Zayn chuckled and ran his hand through his hair. "Who are you looking for?" He asked, studying me. "What is the noise all about?" Perfect timing! Louis was on the last step of the stairs when I grabbed his body and pinned him to the ground. "What the-" I interrupted, "Tell me, who is the girl you've been seeing while dating my cousin?!" Louis, of course, was stronger than me. He carried my body and stood up-putting me down on the couch. "What are you talking about, Diana? Please tell me what's going on and Don't just pin me to the ground!" He was frustrated. "Why did you cheat on-"
"Whoa there, who told you that?" He asked, completely shocked.
"So is it true then?"
"Of course not!"
"Then why is she crying right now?!"
"Oh shit!" He shoved his phone out of the pocket of his skinny jeans and pressed on something, "no, no, fuck!" He muttered. "Diana, I never cheated on Eleanor. I swear! This was all photoshopped and I would never do that! I love her. You know that, don't you?" He was blinking away tears. I don't know if I could trust him or not.

"You should tell her that and explain everything. She is bawling her eyes out for goodness sake!" He was focusing on something and I don't know what. Surely, he is in deep thought. "Zayn, would you please leave us for a moment?" Louis suddenly turned to him. I actually forgot that he was there, standing awkwardly. Seconds later, he nodded and disappeared.

"Diana, I know who started these rumors." He looked at my eyes.
"Go on, tell me."
"Perrie freaking Edwards."

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