Chapter twenty-three

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Diana's POV

"I can't believe that you forgave me for all the things that i did." He said, once again. I laughed at him. "Me neither." I really don't. Why would you forgive the person who broke your nose?!

"What's up, Diana? I mean, you left Ireland and I haven't seen you since you know.." Michael shyly smiled and hid his emabarrassment. "I'm still bullied but I don't give a damn anymore." He was surprised by my answer. And so was I. But it was true. They can bully me all they want, I don't care.

"That's good." He doesn't know what to say. I guess we are in the same situation. Honestly, I'm not mad at him anymore. I'm pissed because he waited for 2 years before he apologized. But its okay. I'm glad she showed up.


"How are you?" I changed the subject. The atmosphere was really awkward and I'm happy that I changed it. "You don't want to know." He laughed, he was like a child. Yes he's strong and all, but he looks like a carefree child when he's laughing.

"Try me." I challenged him. He rolled his eyes and ignored me. His laugh faded, even his smile. His lips were like a straight line. He looked at me for a second then looked away. "Do you want to talk about it?" I seriously don't want to push him. But I wanted to know.

"No." He simply said then stood up. "Why?" I asked, concerned. "Who gives a shit about me?" He spat. I was caught off guard by his words. I was beyond confused. He was so happy and kind to me and the next thing i knew he was rude. My thoughts are killing me. "I do. And I don't even know why." I shrugged and walked away from him.

I felt his large hands grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. "I'm sorry for spatting at you. I just don't really know what I was thinking." He gave me a small smile before he leaves to the door. "Its okay." I said then he suddenly stopped. "Why?"


I gave him a confused look. He walked towards me, "why do you care? All I did was break your nose. And I'm sorry for that again." He smiled. He was right. All he ever did was bully me in front of everyone. Why do I really care? I thought of reasons why but it never came out.

"I... I don't know. Maybe I saw something in your eyes? I saw the way your mood changed when I asked. And I saw that you were broken. Please don't think that I'm assuming things. And one reason is because you're my friend." He blinked a few times and hugged me. I was surprised at first but then I realized that the things that I've said were true.

"Thank you." He whispered in my ear. I hugged him back, even tighter because he needed comfort. "My life is fucked up." He added.

We sat on the couch together. Daniel was already gone and I just realized it now. "What happened?" I squeaked. I was afraid of his reaction after I asked that but he didn't say anything. After a few seconds he sighed, "Will you be scared of me when I tell you that I've been arrested for two times?" He asked. I looked for humor in his voice but there isn't. He wasn't kidding.

"No." I lied.

He stared at me. He knew that I was lying. Of Course I am scared of that. I just hate to admit that. "Really?" He asked, looking at his knuckles. I stared at it and noticed a scar. Oh my.

"Well... I... Yes." I stuttered.

"Thought so." He smirked and played with his fingers. "Please tell me its not true." I hoped that I was right.

"It is. I got kicked out of school, got drunk, kicked out of the club because I beat the shit out of a guy who was being a dick to me, and my girlfriend broke up with me." He said. I was terrified. I didn't know he was that scary. "Why were you arrested?" I asked. "Because I stole a car and sold it to get money for my mum." He shrugged. I had wide eyes. "But I changed, Diana." I nodded at him.

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