Chapter twelve

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Diana's POV

I got up from my bed and fixed my hair. I hugged Eleanor. "How did they accepted you?" She smiled. "How did you endured all the hate?" She smiled again.

"Well, at first, they send all the hate, but then after a couple of months they stopped. Louis is just there to comfort me. They'll get use to it and accept your relationship. Remember Zayn is always there for you." she said. I just smiled at her and went to the bathroom.

After doing my morning routine, I put on my skinny jeans, plaid shirt and some vans. I dried my hair and tied it in a fishtail braide. I put some light make-up. I really hate make-up, but I have to put some on. I need to be beautiful in front of a lot of people, even though I'm not.

I went out and saw Eleanor holding my iPhone. "What are you doing with my phone?" I asked. She smiled. "I just texted Zayn that you'll come. Don't worry." Phew! I thought she'll do something stupid and make me feel stupid. "Oh. OKay. So what time is the interview?" I asked. OMG I am so nervous!!

"1:30 pm. And we have 2 hours to waste. By the way, you look beautiful! Can you help get ready? Pretty plaese?" she asked. I nodded and she pulled me outside.

We entered her flat and my jaw dropped. Oh my freaking goodness of apples! Her flat is so big and cute! Her walls are pink and her furniture is all white! She has a big balcony and it is full of pink and white roses. Wow. Just wow. "Close your mouth, dear. You might catch flies." She laughed. I closed my mouth and glared at her.

"Lets go. I wanna see whats inside your room!" I said, full of excitement. I walked inside and I saw a lot of pictures of Louis and El, a white guitar, a large white bed, girly decorations and a balcony. Wow. She opened her closet and pulled me beside her.

"Help me decide. Please?"

My jaw dropped as I saw her clothes. Man, she sure have a lot of clothes! I saw a pretty pink and white dress and black heels. It look good on her. "This one." She grabbed it and headed to the bathroom. I sat on her bed and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I logged into twitter and I saw a tweet from Zayn.

'Interview today! So excited!'

And he followed me. And I gained a lot of followers.

"Di! How do I look?" She asked. I stood up and I pushed her inside the bathroom and grabbed her make up kit. I put some light make up on her face and fixed her hair. "You look amazing!" I said and she smiled at me. She is really beautiful inside and out. Louis must be very lucky to have her.

"Its 12:26 pm. What do want to do?" She asked, looking at her watch. "How 'bout... Watching Adventure Time?" I suggested. She rolled her eyes at me. "Grow up." She said and I stuck my tongue out. "Never."

"Lets just visit them?" she asked and I nodded in agreement. "well then, lets go!" she screamed. We went outside and walked to their flat. When El was about to knock, it opened.

"Oh hey! We were suppose to pick you up." Louis said, hugging Eleanor. Awww sweet couple. "Its already 12:45 and we'll be leaving at 1pm. So, what do you want to do? Oh. Come in." he said as we walk inside. I saw all of them and they looked awesome. Except for Niall. Just kidding. of course he looks great. Did I just say that?

"Hey." Zayn said. I smiled at him "Hey." He looks nervous. "Can I talk to you? In the kitchen?" He said, holding my hands. I nodded and followed him there.

"What if Directioners hate you? What if the manager told us to break up? What if you'll receive a lot of hate? What if -"

"Zayn!" I cutted him off. "Too many questions!! That is why you look so nervous? Hey, don't think about the negative things, okay? I'm a strong girl. I can handle all the hate. And if the manager told us to break up, I'll fight for you. Don't worry Zayn. Everything will be alright. I promise." I said, hugging him. He smiled at me. "I just wish that it won't happen. And if they do, I will also fight for you. I will be here for you no matter what. I'll even quit One Direction just for you. I'll do everything because I love you so much."

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