You're Forgiven

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Echotide stood in front of her sire, the mech having given himself up to the Autobots a few days after she had transformed into her real form. She glared softly at him, still hurt about his betrayal.

He visibly sighed, and her glare hardens slightly. She refused to let him get to her, even through the bond. Unfortunately, she had been tasked with guarding him, seeing as she was the one he would be the least likely to hurt. At least, that's how Optimus put it. Echotide could care less at this point. She was just angry that she had to be around the mech who basically left her for scrap.

Echotide heard a small hiss as Soundwave's visor moved up, allowing her to see his face. She looked into his sad blue optics and she still glared. She would not let him get go her, she would not let him get her.

Echotide repeated that to herself several times, but she could feel her walls cracking, and she felt the want to forgive him seeping through those cracks. She huffed softly, before turning away from him. She could feel his optics burning into her back as he remained silent. Echotide knew he was waiting for her to make the first move, and she wasn't going to do tha-

"Okay, what do you want?" she snarled as she turned to face her sire. Soundwave flinched, and looked away.

"I'm sorry", he whispers. "I wasn't thinking. I forgot that it wasn't just some random Autobot we were interrogating."

"So you're basically saying you forgot I was your daughter", Echotide snarled.

"No!" Soundwave exclaimed. "I wasn't paying attention to who it was, I was distracted by thoughts of... well, your carrier. And... and how much you look like her."

Echotide huffed again, before turning to her Sire with curious optics. "What... what was she like?"

Soundwave smiled. "She was amazing. She had this warmth that surrounded her. It radiated from her bright smile that was almost always shining. She was kind, and honest. She was almost always helping those in poverty. That was how I met her..."

"She sounds incredible", Echotide whispers. Soundwave nods, and Echotide sighs softly. "I... I won't ever forget what you did, Sire. But... I can't stay mad at you. I forgive you. But, I do have one request to make."

Soundwave tilted his helm to the side, a silent question. Echotide smiles meekly. "You can't get mad at your son-in-law."

Soundwave froze, and he stared at his daughter, before smirking.

"Is it Wheeljack?" he asked. Echotide froze before nodding hesitantly. Soundwave smiled.

"I approve." At Echotide's confused gaze, he smiles. "I know he'll protect you. He may be a bit... eccentric, but he will keep you and whatever sparkling- and I do want grand sparklings- safe."

Echotide nearly choked when he said grand sparklings. "We'll see about the sparklings, Sire. For now, we just need this war to end."

Soundwave smiled. "And it will end soon."

And it did.

The end.

Okay, I am so tired of answering this question repeatedly. I've had several people ask me if there is a sequel, not bothering to go back and check other comments, so I will just say it right here.

There is not, and will not, be a sequel. So don't ask me if there is one because I am getting tired of answering the same question over and over again.

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