Of My Family

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Abigail was glad that it was Saturday, though she did have to work today. Regardless, she was quick to get dressed and hurry out to Optimus without stopping to get breakfast.

Optimus' passenger door opened and she hopped in, ready to go to work.

"Hey, Optimus. I won't be able to come to the base until later. I have work today", Abigail says softly. Optimus only hums in response.

"Abigail..." he says, unsure of where to go. "Why were there police outside your house last night?"

Abigail winced. "My... uh... my brother... committed suicide."

Optimus was quiet. "You have my condolences."

Abigail smiled softly. "Thanks, Optimus, but I fear my father may need them more than I will."

"Ah. I saw him open the door last night to let the police in. Do you know if he saw me?"

"He did", Abigail spoke quietly. "He knows that I know. He... also told me how my mother died..."

Optimus sighed softly. "I wish I could have protected her. She was the only human Ratchet grew close to, and he is afraid to be close to humans again. So... do not worry if he is... so against you being here. He just doesn't want to see what happened to her happen to you. Although... he may be more against you as you are her daughter."

"Albeit adopted", Abigail added. "Even still, I'll try to stay on his good side."

"That would be wise", Optimus replies. "Now, I do believe we best get you off to work."

"Oh yeah! I work at K.O. drive in. If Jack works the same shift I do, I'll catch a ride to base with him and Arcee", Abigail says. Optimus doesn't say anything, and the rest of their time together is silent until they reach K.O. Drive In.

"Thanks, Optimus! See you later!"

"Indeed", Optimus rumbled. Abigail hops out, and hurries into work, clocking in and then takes up her position at the cash register for anyone coming into the restaurant. Most people just went through the drive through, but some went into the store.

Abigail was relieved when she saw Arcee pull up with Jack, who quickly clocked in, and started working at the window, taking over from another one of their coworkers. Abigail sighed softly as she looked at the clock.

'Just a few more hours until I can leave and go hang out with the bots.'
Abigail stretched as she left work, chilling outside as she waited for Jack to get out of the restaurant. She didn't have to wait for long thankfully, as Jack had just exited the building with his motorcycle helmet in hand. He pulled it as Abigail walked beside him.

"Jack! Still up for giving me that ride?"  Abigail asked, startling Jack slightly.

"Yeah", Jack says, climbing onto Arcee. Abigail climbed on behind him and wrapped her arms around her torso. Arcee backed up and then started driving towards base. Once they were at the old country roads that led to base, Arcee did a wheelie, startling both Abigail and Jack. Abigail thought she heard Jack say something, but she heard nothing through the wind. However, Arcee did do more fun stuff, though Abigail wasn't sure she could actually call it fun. More of, it scared her. She had never been a fan of motorcycles, and was holding on for dear life as they zoomed down the streets, and did several more wheelies. By the time they got back to base, Abigail was frazzled as they came to a stop.

"Yeah, uh..." Abigail paused for a moment to hold back some bile. "I think... I think I'll stick with riding with Optimus or one of the others if at all possible..."

Jack only laughs as Abigail climbed off, allowing him to get off as well. Arcee transformed, and soon Abigail could hear the laughs and cheers of the other humans in the base.

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