Iron Cat

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Abigail paced back and forth in her room. She wanted to have some way to contact her father, but she had no idea how to. She wanted to ask Ratchet about cybertronian babies, but she also knew that her curiosity would raise some questions. Maybe she could get Raf to help her. Or...

Abigail's eyes lit up brightly as she bounded downstairs and out the door to where Optimus was waiting. It had been a week since Fowler was taken by the Decepticons, and while he was still unconscious, Abigail had stayed away from base to take care of her baby sister. But now that Fowler was awake, he was going to be on break for another week, where he would be able to take care of Kadia.

Abigail was glad for the week she had to stay home, because Kadia had missed her dearly, and wanted to spend more time with her older sister, especially now that Shaun was no longer there to take care of her.

Abigail wanted to introduce Kadia to the Autobots, but after a long time thinking about it, Abigail knew it would not be a good idea. Maybe when she got older, but not now. The five year old was too curious, and would most likely pull a Miko.

Abigail grinned as the door to the semi truck opened automatically. "Thanks for picking me up today, Optimus!"

Optimus only chuckles lightly in response, causing Abigail's smile to widen, before it disappears as a thought comes to her mind.

"Hey, OP? How do you think Ratchet would react if I wanted to learn more about you guys?" Abigail asked nervously.

Optimus hummed lightly. "He would be surprised. But he would also be happy, and more than willing to teach you."

"Really?" Abigail asked, probably more excited that she should have been, but she didn't care. Optimus chuckled.

"Yes, Abigail."

Abigail deflated at Ratchet's response. "Oh... okay... I just... really wanted to learn about you guys... all the different parts that let you move about and make you the way you are."

Ratchet pauses in what he was doing and sighs softly.

"I... suppose I could put together a few lessons", he muttered. Abigail immediately popped back up, her excitement returning.

"Really?" she squealed. Ratchet laughed slightly, before nodding.

"I'll have your first one ready by tomorrow", he says. "Be here right after school, or work, or whenever, and I'll be willing to teach you."

Abigail grinned, and was about to speak again, but Ratchet shooed her away. She skipped away, a large grin on her face. She passed Raf, who was looking at stuff on his laptop. She stopped next to him, and looked at what he was looking at. He was just scrolling through conspiracy websites, and Abigail shrugged before plopping next to him on the couch.

"Watcha looking for?" she asked. Raf spoke while still scrolling.

"Bee said he saw someone take a picture of him, so he's having me look for it", Raf shrugged. Abigial nodded, and instead leaned her head back, closing her eyes. She thought of her father. The Decepticon. She still wanted to talk to him. She wanted to know who he was. She wanted to know why he had sent her away. Silently groaning, she shook her head softly, before looking at Raf, who was still focused on his computer.

There wasn't much to do at the base when there was no Decepticon activity. And with Megatron gone, Decepticon activity had gone to an all-time low. Raf suddenly sat up straight, looking at the other three humans in the base.

"Shoot! Guys, our science projects are due tomorrow!"

Abigail heard several surprised exclamations from the others, and laughed quietly. They had all entered into the science fair to try and show that they could make something better than the others. Abigail grabbed her backpack, and went over to Ratchet.

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