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Abigail yawned as she walked out of the school building. She hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, due to the nightmares about something attacking her, though she could never place what. She looked around for her friends, but didn't see them anywhere. She shrugged and hopped up onto the wall next to the stairs, yawning again as she waited for her friends.

As Abigail sat there, she stared into the woods that sat next to the school. They weren't bit by any means, but they did provide plenty of leaves to rake up when summer turned to fall. She yawned again, and continued watching the woods, only to be surprised when she saw something big move in there.

Jumping off the wall, she started walking over to the woods, when she heard her name being called. She turned to see Raf and Jack. She smiled at them before glancing back at the woods.

"Hey, guys, I'll catch up with you in a bit. I want to check something out", she said. Raf and Jack shared confused glances as she walked towards the woods. Abigail entered the woods, and started searching around, going further in until the school was no longer visible.

She smiled as the sunlight flickered down onto her face, and she turned her head up to face the light, her eyes closed. However, when the warmth from the sunlight disappeared, she opened them, and almost screamed in shock at the sight of a masked Cybertronian staring down at her. She turned around and backed up, still staring the mech who was in front of her now.

"Soundwave", she breathed out, her eyes wide. He tilts his head slightly, before displaying a thumbs up on his screen. As she thinks back on everything she knew about him- which wasn't much as she still had to talk to Ratchet- she remembers one dream she had about him. It was when he sent her off Cybertron. She remembers seeing almost purple optics, and she hesitantly spoke up.

"I know who you are to me... I've had dreams of you. Of times we were together, back on Cybertron. And yet... I remember seeing your optics. So why do you hide them now?"

Abigail watched him carefully, but he showed no sign of movement, or if he even cared. However, in a split second, she heard a hiss, and saw his mask retract up onto his helm. She saw his optics- exactly how she remembered them. Her own line green eyes widened and she stumbled back softly.

"How can you prove that you are her?" Soundwave said lowly. "How can you show me that you are Echotide?"

Abigail hesitantly brought out her own tentacles, and they hovered by her sides, not moving, but allowing Soundwave to study them.

"You have my tentacles", he hisses. "But can you open up the bond?"

Abigail remembered learning about bonds in the lessons Ratchet gave her, and she very carefully searched inside herself, until she found what she assumed to be the bond. And yet... it felt blocked. But not from Soundwave's side. From her side. Her eyes widened before closing, and she focused on reopening the bond. The bond that hadn't been open since she was a sparkling. She felt it open, and she felt many emotions spread into her, mixing with her own.

Fear, excitement, and hope were the three main ones. In an instant, Abigail's eyes were opened and she looked up at Soundwave.

"I'm sorry", she whispered. "I had no idea the bond was blocked from my end..."

Soundwave froze before very gently picking her up.

"Echotide", he whispered softly. "You are my Echotide."

Abigail smiled, before it quickly disappeared as she heard a familiar engine.

"Optimus", she whispered, staring off into the woods the sound was coming from. Soundwave instantly brought her closer to his chest, and glared in the direction of Optimus.

"Sire", Abigail begged. "Please don't hurt him. He's my guardian you see, and he's sworn to himself to protect all humans. So please... please don't hurt him."

Soundwave stared at her for a long while, before nodding, and moving his visor back over his face. Optimus appeared not too long after. He instantly transformed, and had weapon at the ready, just in case he had to battle Soundwave.

However, Soundwave only looked down at Abigail who smiled at him and nodded. He very hesitantly held out the servo that held Abigail, and Optimus relaxed slightly, though Abigail suspected it was more out of shock than him trusting Soundwave. He walked forward, and lifted up his servo, allowing Abigail to climb into large servo. Abigail turned to look at her Sire and sent gratefulness through the bond. He nodded once, before turning and transforming, flying into the air and away from Jasper. It was only then that Optimus put away his weapon.

"He did not hurt you, did he?" he rumbled. Abigail shook her head, and Optimus let her down onto the ground before transforming. Abigail hopped into the passenger seat, and they headed towards the base.
"Abigail, may I speak with you?" Optimus said, halfway through her lesson with Ratchet. Abigail looks up at her teacher, who sighs, and nods halfheartedly. She stepped away from the railway, and moved over to where Optimus' servo was, and climbed on it. Optimus walked away with her to his own private room. It was slightly barren, a large metal desk in one corner, and a berth in another. Optimus set her on his desk, before sitting on the large container that served as a chair for him.

"Soundwave knows you are his daughter", Optimus stated, though Abigail answered it as if it was a question.

"Yes. But... I wanted him to know", Abigail murmured. "I wanted him to know that I knew he was my father."

"Do you... wish to stay with him?" Optimus asked, slightly tense. Abigail thought about it for a while.

"I do. But I also know that I would not be safe with him because I still look like a human, even if I am a Cybertronian", Abigail says. Optimus relaxes slightly and Abigail smiles at him.

"Don't worry, Optimus", she continues. "I'm not leaving you guys. Besides... I have friends here. I know no one on the warship except for my sire and even then I don't really know him."

Optimus opens his optics and smiles down at the young girl who returns the smile. Then she looks down, holding one of her arms with the opposite arms hand.

"Optimus... do you think I'll ever be able to get into my real form?"

Optimus smiles down at her. "I believe you will, Abigail."

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