Eve of Family

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Abigail groaned silently as she watched the clock tick on the wall. She had two minutes of school left, and all she wanted was to go racing with her best friend.

She sighed and placed her head in her desk, imagining the beautiful purple and black car that she was ready to drive. She glanced back up at the clock and smiled when she saw there was one minute left. She started packing up her stuff, ignoring the teacher as he drawled on.

As soon as the bell rang, Abigail was out the door and rushing to the front doors of the school were she waited for her best friend. She grinned when she saw the short stature of her twelve year old friend.

"Raf, come on!", she cried, causing the young boy to move faster. She looked down at him, and ruffled his spiky hair, to which the boy slapped at her hands.

"Abby", he whined. "Don't do that!"

Abigail laughed. "Come on, Raf. Let's go test out those new wheels of yours!"

Raf laughed and they raced to their street before going to the old drain pipe where they both immediately pulled out a car from their own backpacks, as well as a controller.

They set up a small racing arena and placed their cars in the racetrack once they turned their cars on.

"Three", Abigail grins.

"Two", Raf continues.

"One!" Abigial says, and they start racing. They laugh as they play, Abigail winning some of their races, and Raf winning the ones Abigail let him win. Eventually, they just drove the cars around randomly, only pausing once Raf's phone rang.

"Five more minutes?" Abigial heard Raf ask his mother, allowing her to answer before flipping the phone shut. He grinned at her.

"Just have five more minutes before I have to go home", Raf says. Abigail nods, and quickly speeds past him, only to stop as she heard surprised yelling coming from above them. She looked up in time to see a blue and pink motorcycle fly over them and onto the pavement. A black haired boy sat on top of it.

"Woah", Raf says as he stands. The boy shakes his head at Raf as he groans.

"You have no idea", he says as he gets off the motorcycle. Now that Abigail could see him slightly better, she recognized him as a junior she had shared a couple elective classes with. She also knew that he worked at K.O. Drive In with her, though they had never really talked. 'What was his name? John? Jake? Jack? Yes, that's it.'

She was startled out of her thoughts when Jack and Raf ran back towards her, moving away from the now transforming motorcycle and... two robots. She hadn't even realized that Raf had moved away from her, or that more vehicles had arrived.

"This ends here, Cons!" the now blue and pink motorcycle yelled as she- Abigail was assuming it was a female- ran forward to attack them.

"What are they?" Raf asked, his eyes wide with awe.

"Talking cars that turn into robots", Jack says, fear lacing his voice. "Or the other way around."

"I think it's the other way around, Jack", Abigial says calmly as she watches the blue and pink robot punch one of the other robots.

On one hand, Abigail thought it would be best to leave now before they got dragged into the fight. On the other hand, she wanted to stay and see what happened, especially when the blue and pink robot got blasted in the stomach. Abigail fought back the urge to make sure she was alright, even as the twin robots advanced toward the blue one.

She looked up at the sound of tires screeching, and saw a yellow and black car leap off the highway, and transform midair, landing on one of the twin robots, and punching the other one. The new robot pushed the face of the purple robot he stepped on into the ground, before backing up and stepping on Raf's toy car. It was then that Abigail immediately drove hers back to her, and placed it in her backpack which she then closed, and put on her back.

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