Real Love

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Echotide turned to look at Wheeljack. He was standing a few feet away from her, but wasn't looking at her. He took a shaky breath, and brought his helm up to look directly into her optics. Echotide tried to keep her optics level with his, but eventually all the emotions she was trying to suppress starting showing, and she tried to hide it by turning her helm away.

"Please don't go", Wheeljack whispered. Echotide remained where she was, but still refused to look at him. She heard him take a few steps before gently taking her servo, placing something into it.

"I believe this is yours", he spoke softly as he gently closed her digits around the small object. Echotide looked at her servo and found small flashing device in her servo. All of her emotions came rushing forward at once and she immediately threw her arms around Wheeljack, crying softly into his chest.

Wheeljack gently put his arms around her, before pulling her close to him when he realized she wasn't going anywhere.

"I missed you", he choked out, burying his helm into her neck cables as they sunk to the floor. Echotide tried to reply, but she found that her throat was blocked so she just resorted by tightening her grip.

They stayed like that for several minutes, before Echotide finally pulled away, a small smile on her face.

"Hey Ugly? You going to tell me about the time you blew yourself up?"

Wheeljack laughed weakly, causing Echotide to do the same before gently resting his helm on hers.

"You were constantly on my mind, you know", Wheeljack spoke softly. "There were so many times I drove past your house, wanting to give you that device back. But I was afraid. I was scared of what you would say. I'm still scared. But I'm willing to overcome that fear."

Echotide smiles softly. "Wheeljack... can I... admit something? Something I haven't really told anyone. Something that I'm afraid of telling anyone else because I'm afraid of how they'll see me afterwards?"

Wheeljack smiled, and brought his face plate closer to hers. "I love a good mystery."

Echotide laughs slightly. "This isn't much of a mystery, since I'm kind of just going to tell you straight up but..."

"Ah, but you still have yet to tell me, don't ya? So it's still a mystery to me."

Echotide laughs, before closing her optics gently. "Wheeljack, I-"

She was cut off by a pair of lips meeting her own, and she pulled back, surprised. Wheeljack smiled softly.

"It wasn't much of mystery, my femme joker."

Echotide pouted. "How long have you known?"

"Since just now", he grinned, before resting his helm against hers again. Echotide smiled softly as she closed her optics.

"I love you, Wheeljack", she whispered.

"And I love you, my femme joker."

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