Chapter 14 (Part 2) : An unwanted Job

Start from the beginning

‘’Wonderland Alice.’’ I ignored his sarcasm as wordlessly followed him. He led me to a room which I assumed was his. I would never have stepped in his room but after knowing that there were two other souls in the apartment I was back in my comfort zone.

The room was really simple like it was barely used. It had a single iron bed in the corner, a mirror near a small window and a cupboard. A wooden desk was placed on the left and a neat pile of books sat on it which I knew Doyle didn’t even touched. I was doing his homework after all.

‘’So what do you want me to do?’’ Thankfully he left the door opened as he sat on his bed to start talking.

‘’I have three jobs at a time to support them,’’ he said in a really serious voice and pointed a finger at a direction of desk where a framed photograph of the siblings sat,’’ so there is no one to take care of them.’’

Oh no_

‘’I want you to babysit them.’’ Sometimes I wished I was better off dead, and even if I wasn’t dead yet, the people around me were going to kill me someday.

‘’I cant’’ He narrowed his eyes at me, flashing me a dangerous look,

‘’You have to.’’

‘’I have a life as well.’’ It wasn’t about my own personal activities. I had my studies which were suffering real bad because of a pervert that wanted me to be his girlfriend just because of his image, play practice that was never suppose to happen in first place, my slavery driven job where I was snapped by a arrogant jerk every passing second, a debt which I was suppose to pay to another jerk thanks to my very caring mom. I didn’t have any room for babysitting as well.

‘’I am asking you for a reason White.’’

‘’You can hire a babysitter.’’

‘’I don’t have money, and I also can’t trust anyone.’’

‘’And I am trustworthy for you?’’

‘’I wouldn’t have asked you otherwise.’’ He sounded angry when I was the one who should yell at him for imposing something on me.

‘’You cant force me on this!’’

‘’Try me.’’

‘’What the hell is your problem!? You are just some insane person who destroy people’s lives and spoil them. I hate assholes like you. I won’t do it. Even if you kill me, which you might be planning to do.’’

‘’I am not a murderer.’’ He was forgetting that I was speaking figuratively but when he heard the word ‘kill’ something sparked in his eyes and he grew really tense all of the sudden.

‘’You are no better than that, forcing me into this. You are just trying to run away from your duties. And you are just using me.’’

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