Chapter $70

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Six months later

"Maria breakfast is ready" my mom shouted downstairs.

"I'm coming " I shouted back.

After the jayden shit, jayden never visited me again but only sent flowers to the hospital every day, a week later I was discharge out of the hospital he was still sending flowers to my nose until I sent Laura to him  To stop this

Now I am 6 months pregnant, my bump is big but not to big, I grew fatter but not to fat and my appetite has grown a lot over the passed months. My boobs are also huge but not that huge.

Right now I'm dressing up in my room as I wore a black Nike sweat pants and a white baggy t shirt. Most of my clothes are becoming tight for me so I need to go for maternity shopping, like for real people. I let my hair flowing down naturally as I pick my phone and head downstairs.

I walk to the kitchen as I pull out the chair in the dinning table.

"There you are" my mom said as she hugs me.

"Morning mama" I said still hugging her. I have to give credit to mom she has tried a lot for me this pass few months and I don't know how much more she'll do for me even if she's not happy with me not seeing jayden.

I sit comfortably on the chair as my mom places the plate of food on the table, she made omelets, sausages, beacon, and pineapple juice. Nice.

I take a bite and it feels like does old days when I was young but a lot better. We both eat in silence .

"Jess so how are your cravings going? " my mom asked while eating as she breaks the silence.

"My cravings has gone up a little, not much" I replied truthfully. My cravings are seriously high but I do know how to deal with it.

"What do you have cravings for" mom asked again as she was done with her food.

"Ummm... Chocolate and creamy stuffs but mostly dark chocolate" I said because I got lot of cravings people.

I finally finished my food as I put the plate in the washer I was about to wash it but my mom took my hand and took me back to the chair.

Moments passed as both I and my mom spoke on nothing in particular.


"Really laura, shit" I said while laughing. After breakfast I found out that my mom was going to her HQ so I decided to follow. I wore a long plain white knee length dress with white and black Nike air Jordan's and my hair flowing naturally. I did a light make up.

When we arrived we met laura here as she was getting ready for a photo shoot with some other models. After she took her shoots we've been in the dinning area talking and having cocktails.

"Ummm jess I want to say something but I don't know if you like it that's why I'm asking you" laura said as she smiled sheepishly.

"Don't worry tell me" I said but I have this feeling that it ain't something good.

"I... Ummm... I think that you should forgive jayden, hasn't he been punished enough" she said worryingly. forgive jayden Xavier Ross, really so that I can suffer and this time with my child.

"I think he is really sorry and that he has really changed. Come on" she said with pleading eyes

"Look laura I don't know I do want to forgive him and be with him, I wouldn't lie I still have feelings for him but I can't just do it... I don't trust him" I said sincerely.

"I know but just think about it okay" she said smirking. I nodded in response.

"Let's order something I'm hungry" I said. Changing topic people.

" okay, I'll go get something " laura said as she walked to the kitchen area. I brought out my phone and went to my IG, seeing the new photos of my friends and relatives. Since I got divorced i haven't been out in public for a while same with my pregnancy.

That's why its laura that always covers up for me in our photoshoots. I don't think I'm ready to reveal my pregnancy to people because it will make me reveal my divorce and I don't want that.

Laura came back with two plates of spaghetti and immediately we dug in.

Don't forget to
Luv y'all

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