Chapter $64

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I wonder what's wrong with jess she's been acting all strange since last week. She's even become a bit lazy, she sleeps literally at anytime, I mean she also added in a lot of weight. Good weight thou

She's starting to make me worry..

"I hope all is okay with Jessica " my mom said worriedly.

"I think I should go check on her " Emily said as she attempted to stand but sat back when we saw jess and laura head back to the table.

They were both quiet. I look at jess as she sits down, she looks like she's been crying. What happened.

"Jess are you okay" my dad asked and jess nodded in response with a weak smile on her face. The rest of the of the dinner was silent as laura and jess where sharing some weird eye contact.

What the fuck is happening.


From my side eye I could tell that Jayden was suspicious of both I and Laura's eye contact. 

I was done with my food and I found it as a good way to excuse myself as laura was also done with hers.

"Laura do you mind helping me with the dessert" I asked more liked said as stood up and walk  to the kitchen with laura following behind.

"Jess what do we do the father of your unborn child is right there " laura said.

"I don't know laur since we'll soon get a divorce I don't know... oh my godddd" I said frustrated

"You guys are getting a divorce " she whispered yelled.

"Yes, I thought that since the deal is sealed we can finally go our separate ways, so I thought of a divorce " I said as the next voice heard almost made me faint.

"Whose getting a divorce " my mom asked.

"Who else if not jess and jay" laura replied in a duh tone.

My mom looked like she saw a ghost
"Mama" I called

"Why are you getting a divorce maria" mom asked worriedly.

"I'm tired mom. I can't live like this, I can't. I want to be free " I said as I was on the verge of crying.

"But you surely can't since your now expecting his child" laura added.

"What?! " mom gasped.

"Yes mom I'm pregnant... For jayden " I said honestly as I look down.

"Since when" she asked sharply.

"I don't know I just had the test this evening when I was up in my room" I said.

"We better go before everyone suspects us" laura piped in.

"Yes we'll discuss this later" mom said scoldingly.

We took the cake to the dinning room with some ice cream we bought.

I took my sit as everyone digs in the cake. I take a bite and damn this cake is heaven.

"Ohhhh" I moan out loud. Fuck. I look to left and saw jayden staring down at me.

"what?!" I said to him but he only turned his focus back to his cake.

We ate our dessert in peace and quiet before it hit me, I need to tell them, I can't keep them in the dark like this.
Yes I should.

"So... " I began as I drop my fork down and clap my hands together. "... Both I and jayden are finally going our separate ways, I mean the deal is sealed so we thought, I mean I thought of a divorce. We are both getting a divorce" I start playing with my wedding rings on my finger.

"Its just we don't belong to each other, we are not meant to be. I think my dad made a... mistake, so we are getting a divorce. I have called my lawyer and he said that it will be... " I said as both I and jayden stare into each others eyes. "Tomorrow that we'll sign the papers and make it official" I said as my gaze heads back to the shocked people in front of me.

"Jayden what is this" Mr Ross asked venom lacing his voice.

"No its not him its me, we don't just fit we are completely different people who can and will never be happy together " I said stating facts.

"Its... I.. " I try to form words but non came out as both jayden and I are staring at each other. No.

"Excuse me" I said as I stand up and walk up the stairs to my room as the tears flow down as I enter my room.

Who am I kidding I love this man but I can't have him.... Whyyyyyyyy??

I take off my shoes and move to my bed as I lay there with my hand on my stomach.

"Tomorrow your mummy and daddy are getting divorced but you just had to come along" I said to my unborn baby.

Kill me.

Don't forget to

Luv y'all

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