Chapter 27

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* 3 months later*

"Be careful with that box!" I said as I sat on the couch and watched Tony carry in boxes with all my belongings.
He had finally worn me down and convinced me to move in with him.
"I am being careful baby , don't micromanage." He said as he carried the box into the other room.
I rolled my eyes.
I was not micromanaging.
Tony wouldn't let me help because apparently it was too much of a strenuous task for me.
I laid back into the couch and closed my eyes.

The house was quiet besides the sound of Tony walking up and down.

It made sense to move in considering how often I was at his place. I couldn't help the excitement from surging through my body.

I was officially moving in.
This would be my home as well.

"That's the last box." Tony said as he lifted my legs up , he sat down and placed my feet in his lap. Without asking , he began to give me a foot massage.

"That feels so good" I said as I became even more relaxed.

"I'm glad it does , gotta keep you happy and comfortable." He said.

"So I was thinking" He began before pausing.
I opened my eyes to see him intensely staring at my feet.
"What" I asked , suddenly afraid there was something wrong with my feet.

"I don't want to wait , I'd like to find out the sex of the baby." He said
I immediately removed my feet from his lap and sat up.
"I thought we decided to do a gender reveal party?" I said pouting "then we can find out all together."

"As amazing as that sounds , I don't want to wait any longer. I know you wanna have the party but what if we just go to the doctors office and find out like regular folks." He said shrugging his shoulders.

I dramatically sighed.
I'd envisioned every and any way we could reveal the gender, but I was also struggling to pick a date for the event , thus the wait.

I laid back down and put my feet back onto his lap.

"Okay can I at least have a bit of time to think about this." I said closing my eyes again.

I was excited to be pregnant and I wanted to enjoy every aspects of the pregnancy, even the obnoxious parties.

"Okay Baby." He said as he started rubbing my feet again.

"Now that you've moved in, I can give you a foot massage everyday." He said chuckling.

I let out a soft laugh enjoying Tony's skillful hands.

"At this point I'm starting to think you have a foot fetish" I jokingly suggested.

I opened my eyes to see him giving me a "really dude" look which only made me laugh.

"When you're super pregnant and your feet swell up like balloons , you'll be crying for this" he said as he continue to massage my feet.
I nodded my head in agreement.
Tony and I easily fall into the routine of living together. It felt natural from all the nights we'd spent together , so natural that the transition was somewhat seamless.

Today was one of those days where we had spent most of the morning cuddled up in bed until the thought of food forced us to face the outside world.

Tony and I were in the elevator when an elderly white woman walked in , she glanced at us both with flat eyes , not offering a smile like the other residence would've. And then her eyes landed on my belly.

The gentle swell had began to show , just enough for people to know I was pregnant.
"Congratulations" she said tilting her head at me.
I offered a small smile , "thank you." ,before looking at Tony who smile back at me excitedly.

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