Chapter 25

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Tony POV

I came back to find the suite empty.
I searched the room and called out for her but she really wasn't there.
I tried call her phone but it simply rang in the room, meaning she'd left it behind.
In a panic I went running out and went to check the lobby area.
The hotel was large , she could be anywhere.

I went through all the restaurants areas and bars , asking staff if they had seen her.
I went to all the recreational areas and finally as a last effort I went looking for her at the pool area.

Just as I was about to give up, I saw her.

She was sitting at the bar area of the pool rubbing some ladies pregnant belly.
I froze , watching the interaction.

She was clearly crying as they spoke.
The pregnant woman placed her hand over Aubrey's and moved it to a new position. After a moment of waiting Aubrey gasped and started laughing and crying.

"He's kicking." She said excitedly.

I sat down a good distance away , hidden from her view , watching the two ladies.

All I wanted to do was run up to Aubrey and hold her but I knew better than to do that. I didn't want to ruin the moment they were having.

I sat and watched them for what felt like 20 minutes before a man approached the pair. He put his arm around the lady and they all seemed to exchange parting words. Aubrey and the pregnant lady both stood up and hugged each other as if they were long lost friends.
I saw the lady whisper something into her ear , making Aubrey hold onto the lady a bit tighter.

The couple eventually walked away, hand in hand , leaving Aubrey sitting at the bar with her face in her hands.

After a few minutes I decided to join her.

"Is anyone sitting here ?" I said when I was close behind her.

Her head shoot up in alert but as soon as she saw me her whole body relaxed.
Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy , she looked so incredibly distraught but still so beautiful.

Before I could sit down she spoke up , "hey , maybe we should go back to the suite" she said getting up from her chair.

Before she started walking , I pulled her body towards me and held her. Hugging her tightly , not wanting to let her go.
She melted into my body and seemed to relax even further.
I kissed the top of her head before letting go and taking her hand.

We walked in silence back to the suite.

"I made a friend" she blurted out before we reached the door. "A pregnant friend , she let me feel her belly." She said

I silently opened the door , nodding my head prompting her to continue.

"I felt the baby kick." She said as she walked in and closed the door behind her. She took a moment and leaned against the closed door with her eyes closed.

"What if we keep the baby." She said in a soft whisper.

I pulled her away from the door and lead her to the sitting area. I sat down and pulled her down to sit on my lap. I held her in my arms and gently stroked her back.

"I'd love to keep the baby." I said " I'd love to do whatever you feel comfortable with"

She nodded her head and looked up at me.
"Then you'd be a real daddy." She said with a small smile.
I couldn't help but throw my head back and laugh.
"I'd be a dad , daddy still sounds too sexual." I said as I kissed her forehead.
She leaned into my touch and we sat in a comfortable silence. Both imagining what life would be like if we had a baby.

"Are you sure you want to keep the baby ?" I asked.

She took a deep breathe and let out a sigh.
"It seems very scary becoming a mom and having a baby but I think I want to keep it."

I nodded my head and tried to hide my excitement.
We were having a baby.
Well technically we were possibly having a baby.

"What if you aren't pregnant?" I asked

She let out a laugh and gave me a look that screamed "are you an idiot" before replying.
"You cummed in me way too many times for me not to be pregnant" she said with a laugh "but we should probably do a pregnancy test in a week or so"

"Okay" I said stroking her back.
"Have you eaten?" I asked
She shook her head.

I reach over and got the room service menu.
"I don't know about you , but I'm ready for some good food."

*Aubrey POV*
Tony and I were sitting in his bathroom.
We were back home and finally getting back to our normal routines.

I had just taken the pregnancy test.
The room was tense. We sat in silence as we waited for the timer to ring.
We had both silently accepted that I was pregnant, so either way the results would lead to an emotional aftermath.

"One more minute" Tony said.

Over the past week I've noticed his excitement increase as the days went by. He wanted this more than anything.

I wanted the baby but I was also very aware that things would change if I was pregnant.

The loud shrill of the timer went off and we both stared at each other.
"You check , I can't do it." I said froze in my position.

Tony took a deep breathe before getting up from the closed toilet and going to the sink area.
He lifted the test and stared at it for a few seconds, saying nothing.

My heart began to sink.
"What ? What does it say ?" I said in a urgent whisper.

He looked at me then back at the test and then finally back at me.

"Baby , you're pregnant." He said with a wide smile on his face.

"We're having a baby." He said

"We're having a baby!" He shouted excitedly. I rushed over to him and took the pregnancy test and saw that he was right.

I was pregnant.

Tony held my hands and began jumping up and down in excitement, forcing me to join him.
We were laughing , crying and shouting.

"We're having a baby!" We shouted.

Tony eventually held me in a bone crushing hug before kissing me passionately.
He picked me up and placed me on the sink. He stood between my legs as he deepened the kiss.
We eventually broke apart , catching our breathe.

"I'm gonna be a dad." He said with his eyes closed , he rested his forehead against mine and still have the ridiculousness wide smile on his face.

"And I'm gonna be a mom." I said , letting the reality settle in.

Somewhere between the test results and the celebration , the anxiety had faded.

All that was left was the excitement of having a baby with the man I loved.

I loved Tony.
Oh my gosh I loved Tony.

"I love you." I said the words spilling out of my mouth in a rush.

Tony opened his eyes and looked at me.

"I love you too." He said in a gentle tone, giving me a small kiss on the lips.

"I love you so much." He said as he kissed me again.

"Can't believe we got pregnant first before saying the L word." I said laughing

"Baby, at this point nothing is conventional about our timeline." He said with a laugh.

Tony lifted me up and carried me to his bed. He gently laid me down before doing just what I needed.

Slow , toes curling love.

Ahhhh don't hate me for taking so long to update !!! 🤣❤️

Hope you enjoyed

How do you feel about about them keeping he baby ? 👀

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