Chapter 22

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I was in pain.
It felt as though someone was hammering my head in while tightening the muscle around my neck and shoulders , if that was even possible.
I lay in bed looking at the ceiling and with every eye movement , my eyes felt strained and painful.
I looked over at my bedside clock and saw that it was only 3 am.
There was no way I would be going to work today.
I mastered up the strength to go get a glass of water but as I sat up my head began to painfully throb , I was being punished for moving.
With even step I took to the kitchen the throbbing got worse and I eventually had stop , lean against the wall and wait for my head to settle down.

I tried to move as slowly as I could with the least amount of head movement as I got some water and slowly chugged it down along with two pain killers.
Hoping this would pass.
I slowly made it back to my bed and felt the excruciating pain when I lowered my head onto the pillow.
I closed my eyes , taking deep breathes until I was finally able to sleep.

I woke up and felt even worse than before. My headache had turned into a migraine and now I was ultimately bed ridden.
I knew I needed to see a doctor or get some medicine but I couldn't move without being in pain.
I called Tony to ask him to get me medicine but he never picked up his phone so I simply left him a voicemail letting him know I wasn't feeling well.
Next I called Lauren who's phone went straight to voicemail.
I could feel the tears begin to gather from frustration. I was in constant pain and no one was there to help.
As a last attempted I called Jeremy.
I was so relieved when he picked up, that I immediately began to sob , explaining to him what was wrong and asking him to get me some medicine to which he promptly agree to.
He was comforting and understanding.
After taking note of all my symptoms, he promised he'll be at my place in the next 30 minutes.

A wave of relief washed over me at the thought that help was on its way.

I lay in bed trying to calm the raging headache until I heard someone knocking on the door.
I slowly got up , it felt as though gravity was pulling me back down.
I opened the door to Jeremy holding two plastic bags.
"I've come to save the day." He said with a sympathetic smile.
"Hey" I said , my voice coming out like a croak.
I let him in and lead him to the kitchen.
"So this is what they gave me at the pharmacy." He said as he pulled out numerous bottles of pills. He began to explain how often and how many I should be drinking daily.
"But first you have to eat." He said as he pulled out sandwich's from the other plastic bag.

"I was gonna get actual food but that would've taken too long. I got you chicken mayo. I know you like that." He said.
I thanked him before we sat down in the living room and ate our sandwiches in silence.
Any noise made my head throb so the TV was switched off .
As soon as I finished eating I drank  the pills which were way too many for my liking.

"You should go lie down. The pills are gonna make you sleepy." He said "I'll stick around , if you need anything just shout."

I began to protest but he shut it down.
"I don't think you should be alone right now. Go sleep. When you wake up and feel better then I'll leave , knowing you're okay." He said

"I'd hug you but whatever I have might be contagious." I said making him laugh.

"Bluetooth hug." He said as he stretched his arms out , I mimicked the same action joining in on the Bluetooth hug.

"Thank you." I said as I began to walk back to my room. I got straight into bed and within seconds I was asleep.

*Tony POV*
As soon as I finished with my meeting for the day, I got into my car and drove straight to Aubrey. I'd had received her message over voicemail couldn't leave until now.

I tried calling her to let her know that I was on my way over but her phone went straight to voice mail.

I eventually got to her place and parked my car before running up the stairs.
I gently knocked on the door and was shocked when some guy opened it, instead of Aubrey.

"Hey." He simply said with a smile.
"Hi , uhm I'm here to see my girlfriend." I said not quite sure what to say. He moved out of the way and let me in.
"Girlfriend ? I didn't know Aubrey had a boyfriend." He said in shock.

"Well she does. I'm Tony , you are ?" I said extending my hand for him to shake.


Jeremy from the office.
We stood in silence, staring at each other. I shook his hand a bit tighter than necessary but I didn't feel bad for it.
I didn't miss his lie. He knew Aubrey had a boyfriend , he was the one that gave her the magazine.

"Anyway," I said letting go of his hand " I'm gonna go check on Aubrey." I said as I walked away.
I turned back to see him wincing and shaking his hand in pain and I couldn't help but smile.

I opened the door to Aubrey's room and found her sleeping. She was lay on her back with her chest gently rising and falling , her mouth slightly open.
I sat at the edge of the bed and gently caressed her cheek , even when asleep , she leaned into my touch.
I leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead before I left the room.

Surprisingly, Jeremy was still there. He sat on the coach watching some sport highlights. He looked up from the tv when I walked back into the living room.

I sat down on one of the coaches and watched the highlights as well.

"This was they're worst game of the season." Jeremy said after 5 minutes of a painfully awkward silence.

"I know , it's actually comically how horrible they were."
And that's all it took.
We spent the next hour talking about sports , what our favorite teams were, who our favorite players were and anything else sport related.
Soon we were chatting as though we were old friends , watching tv and eating the snacks we found in the kitchen. The tension had eased away.
"Okay okay so I must make a confession." He said
"What is it ?"
"I knew Aubrey had a boyfriend , honestly I was just tryna get under your skin. Just some friendly initiation." He said
" I knew you knew." I said with a chuckle. "But you still managed to annoy me." I reach over and playful punch his arm to which he dramatically yelled and grabbed his arm in pain.

"Dude , that fucken hurt." He said which only made me laugh.
"Toughen up buttercup." I responded.
He rolled his eyes and then pulled out his phone checking the time.
"It's late , I should head home." He said getting up and gather his stuff. I nodded in agreement and walked him out the door.
"Bye man , take care of Aubrey." He said as he walked out.
As soon as he was gone I went to check up on Aubrey. I found her awake, scrolling through her phone.
"Hey sleeping beauty." I said as I approached the bed and sat down on the edge like before.
"Hey." She said with a lazy smile.
"How you feeling?"
"A lot better , just feel really tired now. I'll probably fall back asleep in like .2 seconds." She said with a laugh as she put down phone and sat up in bed.
"Should I get you something to eat?"
She shook her head
"No it's okay, I'm not hungry." She said "how was your day?"
"Busy. I had back to back meetings today's so I was swooped. How was yours ?"
" It was okay , besides feeling like I was dying."
We spoke some more until she was struggled to keep her eyes open.

By then she had made it clear that she didn't want me to sleep with her Incase she got me sick so I had to either sleep on the couch or go to my own place.
So of course , I choose the couch.

Thank you for reading ❤️❤️
I hope you enjoyed !
What do you think of Tony and Jeremy's interaction ??👀

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