Chapter 8

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Tony and I were sitting outside the doctors office while Jaden was getting checked up inside.
My anxiety was slowly rising, the longer they stayed in there. The longer the doctor was in the there , the higher chances of it being serious.
"Do you want to have kids one day?" Tony asked from beside me. We were sitting next to each other in uncomfortable plastic chairs. He had his arm around the back of my chair.
"Of course!" I said immediately beaming at the idea of having kids. "If I could have ten I would , but I would settle for four or maybe even five."
"I could give you ten babies right now." He said giving me the wider grin. An embarrassing snort of a laugh escaped my mouth.
"That is scientifically impossible and very inappropriate." I said hitting his arm repeatedly making him laugh. "Do you want kids ?"I asked.
He slowly nodded his head , " I want a whole soccer team of babies" he said.
"Is that like , fifteen babies?" I asked.
Tony gave me a shocked expression
"No eleven, you really don't know anything about soccer?"
"Well I thought I knew the basics." I said shrugging.
Tony moved his arm around me and pulled me closer.
"Don't worry I'll teach you everything." He said smiling.
We sat there comfortably in silence until the door opened and the doctor walked out, he casually nodded his head towards the door , giving us the "okay" to go in.
I was the first to jump up and practically run into the room.
Jaden was laying on the bed with an IV and seemed to be fast asleep.
"What did the doctor say?"I asked Lauren who was sitting next to jadens bed.
" He said it's a Chest infection , prescribed some antibiotics. He says he should be feeling better in a few days." She said leaning her head on jadens bed, using it like a pillow.
I walked up next to her and slowly rubbed her back.
"You guys should go, it isn't visiting hours." Lauren said with her eyes closed.
I was expecting this to happen , hospitals were always so strict.
"Okay, Let me know if anything changes and call me if you need a ride home tomorrow." I said , I bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

We all said our goodbyes and were on the road back home.
"You and Lauren are very close." Tony said.
"Yeah , she's like the older sister I've always wanted."
"It must suck being a middle child" he said with genuine pity in his voice.
"Not really, I'm used to it but I guess sometimes it does suck. How many siblings do you have ?" I asked turning my head towards him.
"Four , all girls." He said smiling fondly at the road.
The rest of the drive was filled with casual chatter. When we arrived back at his place all I wanted to do was sleep.
We both went straight to the bedroom once we got into his place.
I threw myself on the bed , like a starfish taking up most of the bed.
I heard Tony laugh, making me turn to look at him.
"I'm so tired" I said before moving up to make room for him on the bed.
"I have a question." Tony asked , while he sat into the bed. He's facial expression was unreadable.
"What is it?" His serious tone was making me nervous. My brain was trying to rake up any indication that he was upset.
"You're on the pill right?" He asked
"Yeah I am" I answered.
We had been having unprotected sex for the past few weeks but somehow never had this conversation which was very irresponsible of us.
"Okay well" he dramatically paused taking that time to pull me onto this lap , making me sit up.
"Would you consider getting off the pill?" He said
I hadn't been expecting that.
"Why?" I asked. That sounded like a ridiculous thing to do.
"I was just wondering." He said still shrugging , not giving anything away.
"I wouldn't unless I was trying to have a baby , which I'm not trying to do right now if that's what you getting at."
"You don't want to have my babies?" Tony said sounding hurt.
I was pretty shocked by the direction this conversation was going in.
We weren't even dating.
"This seems like a conversation we shouldn't even be having right now" I said sitting up in bed.

"Well I'm asking hypothetically." He said scratching the back of his neck and staring at me with those damn intense eyes.
I took a deep breathe and thought about how to answer him , without being harsh or jumping the gun on our premature relationship.

"Hypothetically, in a perfect world , I would love to have your babies." I said.
Tony's face suddenly broke out in a large grin.
He pulled me onto his lap making me straddle him.
"In a hypothetical, perfect world, I would love for you to be the mother of my children." He said and gently kissed my lips .
The kiss was torturingly slow , making me crave him.
In that moment I forgot I was tired.
Tony's hands slipped into my shirt and ran over my body before cupping my boobs.
"You know , I didn't get to have my dessert." He said as he left small kisses from my neck to my ear. He sucked on my earlobe and gently bite down onto it making me gasp.
"But I know you need your sleep." He said suddenly stopping , he picked me up from his lap and placing me back on the bed next to him.
I stared at him dumb-founded , I didn't want to sleep anymore.
"I don't need sleep." I said pouting.
Tony simply laughed before sitting on the edge to the bed and getting ready for bed.
I got up and got to his side standing between his legs. He looked up at me , and while maintaining eye contact, I swiftly lowered myself onto my knees.
I undid his belt and and pulled his pants off with a bit of his assistance.
He's dick was hard , standing eagerly , begging for attention.
I wrapped my hand around the base and slowly stroked it up and down making him groan.
I placed a soft kiss on the top because sucking on the head like a lollipop , swirling my tongue around it.
It wasn't long before I was trying to take him as deep as I could and sucking on his dick. Tony's groans filled the room , he place his hand on the back of my head prompting me to go deeper for longer , making me gag on his dick.
My jaw was feeling a bit tense from taking in his large size but I ignored it.
I cupped his balls , gently massaging them which seemed to send tony over the edge.
A string of profanities fall out of his mouth as he moaned, his dick began to jerk and soon my mouth was filled.
I sucked out every drop and swallowed feeling proud of myself for making his cum so fast.
Tony threw himself back onto the bed and tried to catch his breathe.
I climbed onto bed cuddling up next to him , feeling ready to sleep now.
"You're gonna be the death of me." He said placing a kiss on my forehead , making me laugh.

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