Chapter 9

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"There's this book I read as a kid. I always thought it was so stupid but this story about a man , lost in this world , searching for something he can't name. Then suddenly on this rainy he sees this woman and the sun shines down on her , well - something like that. Bur he finds what he's been looking for. He finds her , his everything. I always thought it was just so dumb , it never made any sense to me and over the years I always thought back to that. When I first saw you , that's literally how it felt. Like the sun was shining down on you and everything around me stopped.Tell me it's crazy to feel this way about you already ? Tell me I'm crazy."

"You aren't crazy. And if you are crazy , we'll be crazy together."
Have you ever woken up and known that it was going to be a good day.
Because today I did.
I woke up just before my alarm so I had a few extra minutes to snuggle my blankets in bed.
The temperature of the shower water was just right and my eyebrows looked like identical twins.
No cousins here.
I seemed to breeze through my morning routine and made it to work on time.
Everything was in place for a good day.
I walked into my office and found Lauren there sitting down and reading through a magazine with a worried expression.
"Don't tell me Khloe is back with Tristan." I jokingly said , laughing.
Lauren's head shot up and she looked at me with an expression that made my heart drop.
"What's wrong?" I asked taking large strides to her , eventually looking over her should.
A picture of Tony and I at dinner was plastered on the page along with some more images from that night.
"Our most eligible bachelors play pal?" I read out. I grabbed the magazine and skimmed through it until my eyes fall on the most heartbreaking line
"Sources close to Tony claim that it isn't serious and they are just friends with benefits at most" I said out in a whisper.
I closed the magazine and slowly sat down onto my chair.
"I'm sorry " Lauren said "maybe it isn't true." She tried to console me.
"Can you just give me some space please" I said
Lauren nodded her head before walking out the room and closing the door behind her.
My perfect day had been ruined just like that.
I was confused. It felt like my heart was shattered.
Were we just fuck buddies ?
Do fuck buddies go on dates ?
I recollected every conversation where Tony encouraged me to open up , to let my guard down. The nights we spent together , watching cheesy romance movies that he claimed to hate but I knew he enjoyed as much as I did.
There was a part for me that wanted to believe that , that story was nonsense and held no truth but another part couldn't deny that no labels were put on this. We could easily be fuck buddies.
I decided to take the day off and made my way back home.
I went straight for the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine.
I needed it.
On the drive here it occurred to me that I had a few options, I could ignore this and treat it like tabloid trash , I could ignore Tony and just not speak to him or I could talk to him about it.
And I honestly wanted to talk to him about it.
I needed to know.
I poured myself a glass of wine before sitting down on the coach and calling Tony.
"Hey are you busy ?"
"No I can't talk , what's up ?"
"Well - I-uh-I" I was a stuttering mess.
I chugged my glass of wine trying to calm myself down.
"Are we just fuck buddies ? Because according to a source close to you that's what we are."I said
"What are talking about ? Of course we aren't just fuck buddies" he's Tone made it seem like such an insane idea that we would be fuck buddies.
"There's an article in a magazine , with pictures of you and me ." My voice is just above a whisper as the tears began to gather in my eyes.
"Baby." He said letting out a sigh "don't read that stuff , it's all nonsense I swear."
"So you've never referred to me as that?"
Tony hesitated before responding.
"Not that exactly." He said slowly.
"I might have said something in passing a while ago but I definitely didn't mean it."
There is was.
The truth.
Like spilled wine  , this was undeniably horrific.
Every insecurity I had was brought to the surface leaving me question everything Tony has ever said to me.
"So it's true."
I didn't give him a chance to response before I hang up and Switched off my phone.
I poured myself another glass of wine as the tears began to flow.
But I didn't want to just drown in self pity, I grabbed my laptop and googled Tony.
I wanted to know who he was in the media's eyes , what else I didn't know.
But I instantly regretted it , Tony had been spotted Multiple times out with models and actresses , while we were spending time together.
All these women were beautiful.
They were everything I wasn't.
I couldn't stop myself from falling deeper into the black hole that I had found myself in.
The wine kept flowing, the tears kept running and I kept scrolling.
I was pulled out of my daze by the sound of banging on my door.
"Baby let's just talk okay. Let me explain."
He continued to call for me at the door but I stayed there unmoved.
I lost track of time as I listened to him plead for me and knock on my door until eventually he stopped.
It was silent.
I let out a breathe that I didn't know I had been holding.
I slowly got up from the chair and want to my door , looking through the peep hole.
I saw his head pressed against the door in defeat. It was heartbreaking.
The sight of him made me want to open this door and let him make everything okay.
What we had was real .. right ?
I couldn't stop myself from letting his name slip from on mouth. I still watched him and saw his head shoot up.
"Baby, open the door let's talk about this."
"I trusted you."
His head dropped slightly before he spoke.
"And you still can. I promise." He sounded desperate.
"I need space."
He's shoulders dropped even further. In that moment he was the image of a man defeated.
"You're my ray of sunshine. I am madly and deeply in love with you. I'll do everything in my power to fix this."
He waited for a response but when he was greeted by silence he walked away.
Even in this state he oozed confidence and sex appeal.
My heart was torn.
And knew that all the wine in the world couldn't fix it this time

Authors note :
Hope you enjoyed !
Let me know how I can improve ❤️❤️

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