Chapter 12

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"Hey , don't run away" Tony said as he approached me.
I stood in front of him panicked. Rational thoughts had exited the building known as my head.
"You were right. I was overreacting. I was immature and dumb and it was something was so small that we could have just spoken about that I panicked and I was looking for a reason for this to come crashing down because you've been perfect and perfect is scary and ohmygoshimsosorryiwasanidiot." I said running out of air. I was staring down at the floor , ready for the rejection.
I had pushed him away.
But instead I felt his warm embrace as he pulled my body into his.
All my worried slipped away as he held me.
He felt like home.
"I'm gonna head home , I just wanted to apologies" I said pulling away from him.
"No why don't you come up , let's just talk okay." He said pulling me back to his body.

I nodded my head and then followed him up to his apartment.
We walked in silence. I was still not at ease but I felt as though this was a move in the right direction.

He let me into his place and we sat down across from each other in his living room.
"I've missed you." He said
I slowly nodded my head.
"I've missed you too." My voice was a mere whisper as I stared down at my hands in my lap.
"Can I sit next to you ?" He asked
I nodded my head still looking down , I needed him close.
He got up and sat next to me , so close that our knees were touch but far enough that it wasn't so intimate.
"I'm sorry about the magazine. I know I shouldn't have said that. I always knew I had feelings for you but in the beginning I was constantly waiting for you to run away. Which is why I said what I said in passing but that doesn't make it right." He said with pleading eyes.

"It's okay. I didn't really expect things to get this far with us." I said staring down at my hands.

"I wants us to tr-"
"Tony! I hope you've started cooking dinner because I'm hungry!"
I turned in the direction of the voice to see a woman.
She was dressed in a silk gown that ended midway down her thigh. Her hair was dark, almost black , it contrasted with her porcelain like white skin.
She seemed to be coming out of the shower.

She did a double take when she saw me before smiling. Only, it didn't reach her eyes.
"I didn't know the maid comes in at night." She said crossing her arms over her chest. Her tone was condescending and her eyes run up and down my body with disgust.

With just that my blood was boiling.
Tony spoke up before I had the chance to tear this stick figure a new asshole.

"Chelsea, she isn't the maid. This is my-" Tony hesitated clearly unsure what to introduce me as. "She's my friend." He said.

"Aubrey , this is Chelsea. My friend."

"His very good friend." She said sending another fake smile my way.

I felt my chest tightening with anger and unfortunately sadness.

Everything in me wanted to slap some respect into this woman but that wasn't who I was.
I wouldn't allow myself to be painted or pushed into the role of the angry black woman.

So I sent my own fake smile her way.
"Nice to meet you." I said getting up
"I'll see you around Tony." I said walking towards the door.
He followed me out , hot on my heels.
Before catching my wrist and pulling me back.
"It not what it looks like." He began.

"It isn't ? So there wasn't some woman in your shower , roaming around in her silk gown while you are just here shirtless. You guys are just good friends." I said throwing my hands in the air.
We were now in front of the elevator waiting for it to come.
"She's just a friend. We grew up together. She's just in town for tonight and asked if she could stay with me instead of at a hotel." He explained as if it all made sense.

"She clearly has feelings for you." I said as I stepped into the elevator.

"No she doesn't." He said
How could he not see what I saw within 5 seconds of meeting her.
" Guys are stupid. You wouldn't be able to see she likes you if she had her tits in your face." I said in a huff.
Tony roughly put his hands on my waist and pulled me too his body. Forcing me to look up at him, he's expression was filled with anger.
"Aubrey. I may supposedly be stupid but there is nothing going on. Do you think I would invite you up to my place if I was fucking some other girl?" He said

"No ... but maybe that's just what you want me to think" I said mumbling the last bit of my sentence.
He rolled his eyes and tightened his grip on me
"You're impossible." He said kissing my forehead.
"I promise nothing happened and nothing will happened because you are the only person I want to be with." He said

Just then we arrived at the ground floor. Tony let go of me but held onto my hand. Leading me to my car.

"I'll see you tomorrow" He said
"I'm at work tomorrow." I replied.
"I know , but I'm still seeing you tomorrow." He leaned in and kissed my cheek before pulling back to give me space to get into my car.

As I drove away, the excitement to have Tony back in myself stayed behind at Tony's place and all that was left was confusion.

He would be spending the night with another woman and all I could do was trust him.


This chapter is a bit shaky but I tried 🙈
I know this is a super late update but I recently got a comment about how this book is now "boring" and as much as I wanted to be unaffected by such a comment , it affected me and made me question my writing, which is why this chapter has only been posted now.

I genuinely hope you guys enjoy this chapter !
I'm always open to constructive criticism

Stay well xx

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