Chapter 26

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"Babe you have to move in with me."

"I really don't."

"You do, you can't be left alone in this state."

"This state is pregnancy and it's never stopped anyone else so I don't have to move in with you."

Tony and I were sitting in the doctors room waiting for the doctor to come in.

I had a small accident at my place , I slipped and fall , which I knew wasn't a big deal but Tony on the other had was feeling very protective.

"This wouldn't have happened if you were staying with me." He said crossing his arms , giving me a very stern facial expression.

" you can't prove that I wouldn't have tripped over the rug at your place."

"Well even if you did , I would've been there to catch you."
Suddenly the serious conversion was a silent smiling session. We stared at each other with beaming smiles , he couldn't stay too serious around me.

"Daddy knows best." He finally said as he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"Don't do that , I can think clearly if you do that." I said playfully pushing him away.

Just then the doctor came in.
"Miss Aubrey?" She said reaching for my hand and shaking it.
"What's the reason for the visit today?"
I explained what happened to the doctor , she nodded her head and asked a few questions.

"How did you land ?"

"On my bum. I know everything's probably fine but he's a bit worried."

"Well everything should be fine, especially since the baby wasn't affected by the fall but just try be a bit more careful."

"Is that it ?" Tony asked "I don't think we came all this way for you to tell her to be careful."

"Well we can do a general check up just to make sure everything's okay." The doctor said maintaining total professionalism.
"That would be great." Tony said

The doctor started with the check up , and after 20 minutes of awkward silence she concluded again that I was okay and most importantly the baby was okay.

"I'm sorry about him." I said sheepishly

"It's okay , first time fathers tend to be more on edge." She said with a smile.

Tony let out a sigh before offering his own sheepish smile.
"I'm sorry for being so rude. That was uncalled for." He said and shook her hand as we walked out.
The doctor wished us well and we left hand in hand silently walking to Tony's car.

"Can we get some food , I'm really hungry." I asked as we were approaching the car.

"Of course , don't want my baby to starve." He said as he reached over and quickly rubbed my tummy.

"What about this baby?" I asked as I pointed to myself and dramatically pouted.

"Meh , you can starve." He said gently shoving me with his shoulder

I pretended to be offended and quickened my pace attempting to leave him behind.

"Baby you know I'm joking" he said laughing.

I rolled my eyes and stood by the passenger side waiting for him to unlock his car.

"I'm not letting you in until you give me a kiss , mama."

I felt my cheeks heat up at being called "mama".
It was new.
I never thought I'd feel so much excitement at being called that.

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