Darunia laughed out, startling Link. Link took a step back, frowning. Darunia rubbed his eyes, his laughing fit dying down.

"They Princess, eh? That's the first I've heard that. Sorry kid, but I don't give the Goron's Ruby to strangers. Leave, and don't come back."

Link opened his mouth to speak, but Darunia turned and returned to where he stood to deal with the Gorons. Link left the room with Navi behind. Looking behind him, Link turned around.

"What should I do, Navi?" Link asked.

Navi shrugged, resting on his shoulder.

"I'm stumped on this one. Maybe you could ask Saria?"

Link shrugged and pulled out the ocarina. He played Saria's Song, her voice soon filling his head.

"Hey Link! What's going on?" Saria asked.

"I made it to Goron City, and I met some Gorons. But their leader, Darunia, won't give me the Spiritual Stone! Navi and I don't know what to do."

"Maybe you could do something for him? Do they have any problems they need help with?"

"Yeah! The cave they get their food from has been blocked off. But I don't know how to open it."

"See what you can do to help! I'm sure they'll take it!"

Link started back in the room, walking up to Darunia. The Goron let out a huff and folded his arms.

"What do you want, kid?"

"I can help! I know your people are starving, but I could help you get food!"

"And how do you think you'll do that? Can you lift boulders?"


"Then go. You're just wasting our time, kid, goro."

Link frowned and looked down.

"But I really want to help!"

"We don't need help, these are Goron problems."

Link let out a huff and walked back out. He pulled out his ocarina and played Saria's song again.


"He won't accept my help."

"Ah, Maybe you could do something to help him feel better? Isn't he really stressed out?"

"Yeah, but what could I do to help him feel better?"

"Try playing my song for him! Maybe it'll work!"

Link nodded, then turned back once again. Darunia let out a low growl as he saw Link march up to him. Link looked up at the Goron, then pulled out the ocarina. He played Saria's song, which seemed to light a fire inside Darunia.

As Link continued to play, Darunia began dancing to the song, the other Gorons joining him. They danced to the beat, letting out a load of energy as Link played.

The tune came to a close, and the Gorons stopped to catch their breath. Darunia wore a large grin as he looked down at Link.

"That's a nice tune, kid! All my stress is suddenly gone! You played that beat, and I just wanted to dance, goro! Oh, wasn't there something you wanted from me?"

"A-Ah, I'd like the Spiritual Stone of Fire-"

"You want it too? But that's our hidden treasure, I can't just give it to you, goro. But if you want it so badly, open up Dodongo's Cavern. Then get rid of the monsters inside it, and prove yourself. If you do that, I will give you the Goron's Ruby, goro."

Link nodded vigorously and was about to take off, but Darunia stopped him.

"Take this, it's not for anything but it will help, goro. It will give you more strength."

Darunia handed Link the Goron's Bracelet, which he slipped onto his arm. Darunia shooed Link, and he and Navi took off. They headed out, making their way through the city back outside.

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