CHAPTER 1: Arizona

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It was dark and cold out tonight. There was a rainstorm coming and I couldn't take anymore of the beatings and torture my stepfather has done to me. I have finally had enough and grabbed what I could and left.

Things weren't always as bad here. Even this club who I used to call family but now just look to as strangers who betrayed my father and lost sight of what my father had created for this club, they seemed to have become the very things my father never wanted.

I had made a promise to my dad a long time ago, that I would make sure the club was fine no matter what.

It wasn't until recently when I discovered I had to break that very promise. Not because I wanted to, I feel as though I have had no other choice in the recent events that have happened.

I grew up with a father that was a great leader, friend, father, husband and person in general. He wasn't the President of a gang but of a club, a family.

My mother remarried my dad's best friend at the time and VP, who of course became the new President of the club, a couple of years later and has turned it from a club to a gang.

Several months ago, I lost my mother to alcohol poisoning. I don't blame her for marrying my dad's best friend but, now I feel alone because she drank herself to death practically.

I know I'm taking a huge risk by leaving and especially not mentioning I am but, I would rather run for the rest of my life than to return to the hell I have endured the past several years.

So with just a small chunk of money I have saved through the years and that my father left for me in his WILL, I am down here at the bus stop and handing the employee to have the bus take me far away from here no matter where it's at.

I took the ticket for Arizona and knew it was going to take me a couple of weeks to get there but I didn't care, I just needed to leave.

The bus wasn't leaving for another half an hour and for the entire time I was sitting on the bus until we departed from the station, I was paranoid that at any moment, my stepfather or and some of the guys he would have sent would pull up and find me. But they never did.

I felt like the heaviest weight was lifted up off of me as I watched the scenery outside go by right as the sun started to come up then I fell asleep.

A few hours later, I wake up and notice there's somebody sitting next to me and a few other new strangers that have gotten on.

The girl sitting next to me was a twenty-two year old big girl who had tattoos and piercings and seemed bad ass to me. She had green and purple peek-a-boos in her dark hair and it went to her mid-back.

"Hey! I'm Savannah!" She greets me with a smile.

"I'm Aleena." I reply.

"Well, it's nice to meet you." She says as she shakes my hand.

"You too." I tell her while sitting up more in my seat and rubbing my eyes.

"So, where ya headed?" She asks.

"Wherever the last stop for this bus is at." I tell her.

"That'll be in Arizona. I'm going there also. Do you have family there?" She asks.

Damn, this girl is nosy.

"No." I replied.

"Oh." She says. "Well, for business then?" She asks.

"No." I replied again.

It was awkwardly quiet between us for a bit before she said anything.

"Sorry, I don't mean to pry. I just get real nervous on buses and travelling alone that I tend to talk a lot to keep myself distracted." She says.

Great! Now I feel bad.

"It's okay." I replied with a smile. "I get it." I tell her.

We end up talking for a while and getting to know each other a little more. I don't mention my father or the club because I am trying to start anew.

We ride together the whole way and once we finally arrive at our destination and get off then start to go our separate ways, she calls out to me.

"Wait!" She says as she catches up to me.

"Yeah?" I turn around and reply.

"Since you're new in town and don't know anybody, how would you like to come and stay with me and possibly get a job working at my mom's place?" She offers.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes, really. You seem nice and real cool. So what do you say?" She asks.

"Okay." I smile in reply.

She smiles even bigger and gets all excited then has me follow her to get a taxi that takes us to where she lives I am guessing.

Wow, first day here and already have a job possibly and a place to stay.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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