Chapter 19

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Becky's POV

Today we had another one of the house shows and although I was off for house shows this week, I still stayed so I could keep an eye on Emmery.

I've had some time to process the pregnancy and although this is the most unconventional thing that could've happened, I'm just taking it one day at a time. However, I've been in excruciating pain all day. I figured it's just a pregnancy symptom, I'd have to ask my doctor about it next week for when I scheduled my first appointment.

"I got you some food Becks" Charlotte said walking into the locker room with a bowl of fruit. "Awww, Thanks Char" I said.

"So how are you feeling?" She asked as she sat next to me.
I shrugged, "currently I'm in a lot of pain. It feels like I'm having cramps but times ten the pain. I swear if this is what child birth feels like, I don't want it" I joked.

Charlotte laughed, "you'll be fine. After all, we do get punched for a living. We're used to pain."
"True" I responded simply.

"Oh Seth's match is next, let's go watch it" I said pulling Charlotte with me. We walked to the gorilla and Emmery's eyes were immensely focused on the screen watching her dad as she was in Bayley' arms.

"Mama!" She said as she caught sight of me making grabby hands towards me.

"Hi babygirl" I said as I neared her. I took her from Bayley's arms and she cuddles into me and babbled away while still looking at the screen.

Seth won his match and came straight towards us. He hugged us at the same time careful not to squeeze Emmery.

"Alright I'm going to go get changed and then we can go" he said. I nodded, "Okay. I'll be with Charlotte if you need me." With that we parted our separate ways.

"Can we go sit down, my back and these cramps are killing me" I told Charlotte. "Yeah lets just go back to the locker room. Do you want me to take Em for you?" she said. I nodded as I was in severe pain. My back was not too much to handle but I hadn't experienced cramping like this.

"I think I just need to sit down" I said taking a deep breath. "Maybe you should go to a hospital Becks?" Charlotte asked concerned. "No it's fine. It's late and my first appointment is in a couple days" I said.

After about 20 minutes Seth came looking for us as he was ready to go. We walked to the car and got most of the drive I closed my eyes trying to not focus on the pain.

"Are you okay Becks?" Seth asked concerned. I nodded, "just some bad cramps is all." "If you say so, we're almost at the hotel so you can lay down and have some tea. I'm sure that will help" he said offering an optimistic outlook. I gave him a tight smile.

Soon enough we got to the hotel and as we were getting ready for bed I felt something go down my leg. I saw a dark trail stain my jeans so I hurriedly rushed to the bathroom in the hotel room.

I pulled down my pants to reveal blood staining my legs. I stood stunned until I felt more rush down my legs and I sat in the bathtub. I sat shocked for a moment trying to process what was happening before I felt the tears start rolling down my eyes. My cries became closer together and all the sudden the room was too small and I couldn't breathe.

"Red, are you okay in there?" I heard a concerned Seth say through the door. "No" I said through the tears. A moment later the door was opened, I forgot to lock it. His eyes trailed around the bathroom until he saw the blood pooled around me.

"Oh Becks" he said gently as he sat right besides the bathtub on the floor to pull me into his chest as much as he could with the barrier of the bathtub.

I simply cried into his chest as I could die nothing but let my unborn baby exit my body. We sat there for what seemed like hours both shocked and grieving at this unexpected loss. I cried until my body felt physically dehydrated.

"I know this wasn't the most convenient of timing but I wanted my baby. I was shocked but I had made peace with it. I wanted to be a mom. I wanted Emmery to have a sister. I should've scheduled my appointment sooner, I shouldn't have blown off the signs. This is all my fault" I said disappointed in myself. "I had one job as a mother, and I couldn't do it"

"Hey, don't say that about yourself. You've been an amazing mother to Emmery and this isn't something that could've been prevented. This isn't your fault, you're so strong and this will only make you stronger. I love you Rebecca and one day you will get the babygirl you will love eternally and this little baby will be there watching over you and her. Don't ever doubt how amazing you are because just in the room next door there's a little girl who loves you with her whole heart because you've loved and accepted her as your own. Not many people would've done what you did and for that I will spend the rest of my life repaying you"

I sniffled at Seth's words. "How about you take a nice warm shower and I'll wait for you in bed" he offered. I nodded, "Can you shower with me? I don't want to be alone" I said embarrassed. He kissed the top of my head, "of course love."

He undressed but kept on his boxers and then he helped me undress. The water was warm and Seth was gentle as he cleaned my legs but all I could do was blankly stare at the wall as he washed the remains of our baby off my body. After that he proceeded to wash my hair to which I didn't quite respond to either. It felt like my mind had hit overdrive and while I'm here, I'm not actually present. My mind is somewhere else.

Seth helped me get dressed and as he laid next to me I mumbled against his chest, "I want to go, take me home Seth" I pleaded holding back more tears.

"We'll catch a flight tomorrow and I'll talk to Steph and Hunter so I can get some time off but for now you need to rest, love. Go to sleep" he said tightening his hold on me and lightly kissing my forehead.

Despite the rollercoaster of events that occurred today, I eventually felt myself relax in his arms and slip into a thoughtless abyss.

Word Count- 1153
~not edited~

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