Chapter 5

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Becky's POV

"Who's baby is that?" Holly asked curiously. "That's what we wanted to talk about" he said.

— — —

"Oh, well come on in. Your dad is inside too" Holly said stepping aside to let us in. Once we got ourselves situated his mom spoke up.

"So I know that's not Becky's baby because I've seen you both on tv still wrestling but did you get a surrogate or something?" She questioned.

I flushed red, "oh, no, we're not together" I quickly intervened.

"Oh?" She said surprised.

Seth face palmed, "mom just let me explain before you jump to anymore conclusions."

"Alright, I'm all ears."

"This is Emmery, and she's mine and Allison's. Except I didn't know about her until about two weeks ago when Allie dropped off the baby and a birth certificate in the rain. I didn't know what to do so I called Becky and she's been helping me since then" Seth explained.

I had been observing Holly's face during Seth's mini speech. Her face scrunched up at Allison's name as she also did not like her, I had to hold back a laugh. However toward the end her faced softened in sympathy towards her son.

"Well thank you Becky for helping him out. He'd be lost without you and as for you Seth, you know your dad and I are here whenever work gets too hectic. I want to be involved in her life so I expect all three of you here at Christmas!" Holly said cheerfully.

Seth chuckled, "Yeah I really would've been lost without her and thanks for the offer mom but Becks said she'll help me out so I can have Emmery on the road with me full time. Really the only time I wouldn't be with Emmery is during my matches and the occasional interview" Seth said.

"And we most definitely will be here for Christmas" I jumped in.

Everyone laughed and i stayed over for about another 20 minutes before speaking up.

"Well it's been so great to catch up with you both but I haven't seen my mom or dad yet so I think I'm going to pop on over there for a bit" I said getting up to hug goodbye Seth's parents.

"I should go with, I haven't seen your mom and dad in so long too. And we can tell them about Emmery while we're there" Seth said.

"It's been lovely seeing you both, are you coming back to visit soon?" Holly asked.

"We're here for the next few days so maybe we can all reunite like how we did when we were kids?" Seth said.

"That's a fabulous idea. I'll call Annette later so we can plan" she said. With that we were off to the house next door. This time I felt slightly nervous and I wasn't quite sure why. Maybe it had to do with my familiarity with my mom's lack of filter and her possible disapproving of my choice to help raise Emmery.

This time I knocked on the door but to my relief my dad had opened the door. I had always been a daddy's girl. My dad was my biggest supporter and always helped me get away with things when my mom was being over dramatic.

"Hey Dad" I said embracing him in a hug tightly. "Hey Sweetie" he said returning my right hug. When we separated he side hugged Seth as Seth had Emmery in his hands.

"So who's the baby?" He asked curiously.

I chuckled, "it's a long story and I might need us to tag team against mom depending how she reacts, you know her" I said.

He gave me a solemn look before nodding, "like the good o'l days" he said smiling at me.

"Rebecca? Seth?" My mom said walking into the living room.

"Hi mum" "hi Anne"
She hugged us both before joining my dad on the couch across from us. "So, not that I don't love the surprise visit but is there another occasion?" My mom asked.

"Well I'm sure you noticed the baby that Seth is holding" I said. My mom nodded.

"She's not mine, let's start with that. Holly thought I had gotten a surrogate" I said and we all chuckled.

"She's mine, but I just found out about her two weeks ago, along with Becky who's been helping me take care of her" Seth jumped in. I nodded, "yeah, the wench of an ex-girlfriend left her 3 month old baby on a doorstep in the poring rain. So here comes little ol' me heroic as ever, saving the day" I said throwing in some humor to lighten the atmosphere but all I can focus on is the blank face my mom wears.

"She's beautiful" my mom says surprising me.

"Thank you" Seth said offering a smile.

"Do you mind if I steal you for a minute, Rebecca?" My mom said. "No of course not" I answered shooting my dad a warning look that says 'if this goes bad save me'

"What's up?" I asked my mom as we entered the kitchen. "How are you handling this?" She asked me catching me off guard. "Fine. She, Emmery is her name. She's really calm and she's been adjusting to everything better than expected. She's been a pretty easy baby so far" I said.

"I know we often don't see eye to eye and I don't want to argue so just promise me you will protect your feelings because I know when you love someone you give them your all and this baby isn't yours. You didn't say you and Seth are together, so I'm assuming your not. If he finds someone 6 months from now, do you really think she's going to want you in the picture playing mommy?" My mom said.

Instead of getting mad like past me probably would've ten years ago when I was a teen, I actually took her words into consideration as I could see she had a point.

"Thanks mom but trust me, I'll be okay. I'm getting older and hopefully a little wiser. I've already told Seth this is temporary and as soon as he figures out a routine and is comfortable being a dad, I won't be helping out as much as I am now" I explained.

She simply smiled and nodded, "Okay, I trust you." Hearing those words made me feel so much better as I followed my mom back into the living room.

I quickly locked eyes with my dad and Seth to let them know it went fine. "So how long are you guys here for?" My dad asked. "We're here for 3 more days, we leave Saturday night. Oh and expect a call from holly about one of our famous barbecues from when we were little" I explained.

We proceeded to have some more laughs and then we called Seth's parents to come over and we spent the rest of the day here.

"Alright everyone it's getting late, we should probably get going. Em needs a proper bed" Seth said chuckling looking over at me holding a sleeping Emmery.

"Are you going too honey?" My mom asked me.

I nodded, "yeah Emmery's used to me being there now too."

She didn't question it but I could see some suspicion in her eyes. "Be safe, take care of her Seth" my dad said hugging us goodbye.

"I always do."

Word count- 1233

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