Chapter 4

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Becky's POV

True to his word, Seth picked me up as he said he would. I was still a bit out of it due to my terrible sleep. Hopefully I would be able to sleep for a couple hours on the plane if Emmery wasn't too fussy.

"Let's go get coffee" we're my first words as I entered Seth's car. He simply chuckled, "your wish is my command."

I then turned back and saw Emmery peacefully asleep. "She loves her sleep" I said smiling. Seth made a sound in between a scoff and a laugh, "yeah well she didn't do much of it last night. Why is it that she already hates me?" he said as he feigned exaggeration.

I chuckled, "don't feel bad, I'm just too awesome." We then pulled up to the drive through at Starbucks and Seth ordered our drinks.

"Wow, I'm impressed, you still remember my order" I said. "Of course, how could I forget after all of our coffee runs together" he said making me think back to our first years in the company. "It's possible" I simply said shrugging. The conversation had died as we both knew that was a sore subject still after all these years.

"So how do you think your parents are going to take the news about Emmery?" I said changing the topic.

"Hopefully they'll take it well, I mean it's not like they're raising her anyways. I'm a grown man so it's not really their place to criticize anyways" he said shrugging his shoulders trying to make it seem like he didn't care but I could hear his defensive tone. He got defensive when he was nervous.
"Well how could they not like her, anyways. She's freaking adorable. My favorite baby I've ever met hands down" I said in an attempt to make him feel better. Which made him chuckle but the smile stayed on his face and I mentally cheered.
"And you're going to make her awesome like you?" He joked. "Oh yeah, definitely. But only if she can hang" I said coolly. He scoffed in a joking manner, "that's my baby, of course she knows how to hang." I simply laughed at his remark. I then closed my eyes and took a breath as I felt a strange sense of relaxation. Soon enough I was unconsciously falling asleep and was only awoken by Seth's gentle voice once we had arrived at the airport.

I groaned as I wiped the sleep out of my eyes. "You take the baby, I'll take bag" I told him getting up slowly. Seth simply nodded and chuckled. "Red, at that pace you're moving we'll never make it on the plane in time."

I glared at him, "no one told you to book the tickets this early."

He simply laughed, "You hate flying in the afternoon." I groaned because I knew he was right, "just get the baby" I said taking my luggage out of the trunk.

From there we checked in, went through security, and got our bags checked all with some extra time to kill.

"I'm going to go get some food, want me to grab you something?" Seth asked. I nodded, "a salad please." As soon as he left I heard a soft fuss and as I looked to the baby carrier to my left I saw Emmery slowly waking up. She started to wiggle and coo in her car seat meaning she wanted to get out. I gently lifted her out and held her in my lap as she looked around her surroundings. "Oof, I think someone needs a diaper change. We have to wait for our your daddy to come back. I can't leave all our things unattended" I told her as if she could actually understand me.
Soon enough Seth was back, "Emmery needs her diaper changed but I will ever so gracefully do it because most men's bathrooms don't have changing tables" I said making it seem like such an honorable task.

Seth simply chuckled, "Thanks Red, I owe you one." "I'll remember that!" I said pointing at him as I left with Emmery's diaper bag.
I changed Emmery's diaper and then she waited patiently waited for me as I washed my hands. "Aww your little girl is so cute" a lady told me. "Oh she's- Thank you, she's three months" I smiled as I mentally questioned myself on why I didn't continue correcting the lady. I justified to myself that it would've been awkward and complicated if I told her that she wasn't mine.
"Aww they're so cute at that stage" she said. I nodded, "I feel like she's growing up more each day" I said. We chatted for a minute more before going out separate ways.
I did not mention the conversation to Seth as I had already told myself this was a temporary situation.

Once we made it back from the restroom, it was time to board the flight and thank goodness Emmery slept through most of the flight. While she was awake Seth and I alternated in keeping her happy and distracted with toys and tv. Up until Seth fell asleep and I was on my own. I couldn't be mad though because he had already said Emmery had kept him up a lot during the night. Emmery was pretty well behaved up until landing because she did not appreciate the turbulence. I will say it was especially rocky. Thank goodness Seth had woken up and was able to keep her quiet.

From there we called an Uber to drive us to the rental car place. We got one car for the both of us to share because we were going to the same place essentially. It was one of the perks of being neighbors.

"Want to go to my house or your house first?" Seth asked as he pulled out out the parking lot.

"Yours if you want. It's more important and that's kinda the whole reason why we're here" I chuckled. He smiled, "mine it is."

Soon enough we arrived at the intimidating wooden door. Seth nervously knocked and soon enough we were greeted by his warm mother. "Seth, Rebecca, what a surprise" she said hugging us looking down at the baby carrier. "Who's baby is that?" She asked curiously. "That's what we wanted to talk about" he said.

Word count- 1080

A/n: Ended on a cliff hanged BWAHAHAHA. Honestly that's just cuz I didn't want the chapter to be too long.

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