Chapter 6

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Becky's POV

Just as quickly as we had arrived, the time also went by quickly and now we were getting on another plane to head home for a couple hours, repack, and then get on another plane to head to Philadelphia for Raw. This flight was at night so I was in a much better mood than I had been when we flew to Iowa.
I had stayed up with Emmery on the plane while Seth slept. I didn't mind because I had just had my coffee so I felt energetic.

The plane landed and I was reluctant to go home to an empty house.

"Hey do you mind if we go to my place first so I can pack my things for Raw and then we head over to yours so I can pack for Emmery?" I said.

"Yeah that sounds perfect" Seth said.

There was suddenly a weight lifted off my shoulders but it crossed my mind that with these couple hours home, I didn't care for even hanging out with my boyfriend or to see how he was doing. I didn't even tell him I was here for a couple hours before flying to Pennsylvania.

I shoved those thoughts into the back of my mind as we arrived at my beautiful apartment. I lived like 5 minutes away from the beach so you can hear it in the background.

"Home sweet home" I said tossing my keys on the couch. We all went to my room and Seth and Emmery laid on my bed as I repacked clothes.

"Honestly if WWE has taught me one thing, it would be how to pack" I said. Seth laughed, "true. I feel like we spend a third of our lives on planes." I nodded in agreement. Traveling this much for work was not for the faint of heart but I absolutely loved it.
I then proceeded to pack my gear, regular clothes, my make up, and other miscellaneous things such as hair products, jewelry, and hats.

"Alright, I think I'm all ready to go. I don't think I've forgotten anything" I said looking around to see if there was anything in eyesight I was forgetting.
"Good I think someone is begging for your attention" he said chuckling at Emmery who was babbling and making grabby hands towards me.

"I'm just way cooler than your dad, aren't I? He's too boring. If we leave quick, while he's not looking I think we can sneak out" I said tickling her tummy as she giggled.
"Ha ha, very funny. I don't appreciate you two teaming up on me" he said. "Get used to it" I said walking out the room with Em in my hands. Seth grabbed my laggage and followed me out back to his car.

Once we were back at his place I got Emmery ready for bed as Seth packed his bag. By the time Em was asleep, Seth was done packing his bag so he came to keep me company while I packed for Emmery.

"So how has this all been for you to take in?" I asked.

"Honestly, this is the complete opposite direction I ever thought my life would take. Like, I always thought I didn't want kids but now I know what people mean when they say the love you have for your kids is like nothing you've ever felt before" he said.

I smiled at his response, "you've taken this role so amazingly. Not everyone would've accepted this so lovingly and embraced her into their life so easily like you have" I said.

"I can't take all the credit, you've been such big help to me. I honestly couldn't have done this without you. Not many people would deal with the both of us" he said warmly smiling at me. I smiled back at him, "We're a good team." "That we are" he said.

"Alright, I should probably go to bed. Are we catching the pink eye flight?" I asked. "Yup, we're leaving at 4 am sharp" he answered. I groaned, "Okay" before walking to my room. It was technically the guest bedroom but I've been staying in it so often I've begun to call it mine.

I laid in bed for an hour but I couldn't sleep because it was freaking freezing in here. I tried to turn on the heater but all that came out was cold air. Frustrated, I eventually gave up and grabbed my blanket and marched over to Seth's room where I saw him typing on his laptop.
I saw him chuckle as he saw me, "can't sleep?" I moved his blankets so I could get in them and then set mine on top.

"No, my room feels like the fucking North-Pole" I complained proceeding to make myself comfortable in his bed. His face suddenly made a face of realization, "oh yeah sorry I forgot to fix the heater." I squinted my eyes at him, "obviously."

Seth just chuckled at me, "it's not like you don't look comfortable here" he said referring to me wrapped up into two blankets snuggling into one of the pillows on his bed as I faced him.
I glared at him, "what are you doing awake anyways?"
"I was talking too Roman, we were figuring out how we want to play this out traveling wise. He obviously doesn't need a crying baby waking him up at 3:00 am so I'm going to be getting my own room and he's going to share with Finn" Seth explained. "But I was hoping to still have a traveling buddy and I'm probably pushing my luck but will you travel with me? It doesn't have to be forever but you've just been such a big help and I shouldn't even be asking you for more help because you've already done so much for the both of us but you just make everything so much easier and honestly-"
"I'll do it" I said interrupting his rant.

"Huh?" He said confused at my bluntness.

I giggled, "I don't mind traveling with you, for now at least. I know this whole parenting is new and i know it's hard to do it alone so I really don't mind doing what I can to help you out. That's what best friends are for right?" I said. He seemed to be studying me before wearing a smile and tackling me into a hug.

"You're the best" he said into my shoulder. "Yeah, Yeah, I know. Now go to bed, we're getting up early tomorrow" I said with a small smile on my face hidden by the dark. "Fine, your really warm by the way" He said not making any attempt to move away. I chuckled, "shush, I'm trying to sleep." "Sorry" he said with a slight laugh. The last thing I felt was a tightening grip around me before I slept the night away.

A/n: mostly a filler but I want to show how they're adjusting and their progress

Word count- 1150

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