Chapter 18

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Becky's POV

It's been a couple weeks, about 4 to be exact and I haven't been feeling good at all. I've chalked it down to period symptoms as it should be nearing around this time.

I checked my calendar on my phone to see when my time of the month was expected, and my stomach dropped when I noticed I was late.

I suddenly felt lightheaded and my skin was pale as a paper.

"Holy fuck" I muttered to myself.

I tried to stay calm and ration to myself that this could just be a random fluke of a period and something just threw it off this month. There was no way I could be pregnant after sleeping with Seth once on accident. Well, not per say accident but in a lapse of good judgment.

"You knew damn well that you were doing" my subconscious scolded me.
I felt tears prick my eyes, I needed to know now before I jumped to any irrational conclusions.

I quickly slipped on some shoes and made sure Emmery was appropriately dressed before heading to the car and rushing to the nearest store together. Once I got to the nearest CVS I chose a random pregnancy test and quickly paid as I hoped not to be seen by anyone I know or by a fan who recognizes me. Now was definitely not the time or place for a "photo opp."

I tried to clear my mind as I drove home but keeping my hands from shaking proved to be challenging enough.

As soon as we arrived back home I got Emmery situated in her crib with the tv playing before I headed to the bathroom next door to take my pregnancy test. Damn, I've never dreaded the word pregnancy test so much as I do right now.

Against my will, I forced myself to take the test as I awaited the longest three minutes of my life. I sat on the cold floor with the test by my side as I waited for the timer to ding.

There it was, three minutes later and clear as day.


The tears rushed out of my eyes as I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them. I was a grown woman fully capable of handling herself yet here I was on the floor in the room next to a baby that I basically parent, which isn't mine, in a house that also isn't mine but is instead owned by a man who isn't dating me but also happens to be the father of this new baby. What mess have I gotten myself into this time?

All the normal things that one thinks when having an unplanned pregnancy crossed my head.

I could get an abortion, although I'd never forgive myself for giving up on my baby. I isn't their fault I was stupid enough to get pregnant. They don't deserve to be punished for my mistakes.

I could give it up for adoption, but I know I'd get too attached the moment I held him or her for the first time.

I could keep it...but that would complicate everything.

I put my head down and groaned. Fuck, how did I let this happen? I'm freaking acting if I'm sixteen and pregnant. I'm too grown to be dealing with shit like this.

I headed to Emmery's nursery as I heard her call out for me. I picked her up and she held my face in her hands as she examined my tear stained face. She then placed a kiss on my cheek and moved to cuddle into my shoulder.

My heart melted at her actions and as if this were a sign from God, I now knew what I had to do. No matter how complicated or unplanned this baby was, I'm going to keep it. Now I just need to tell Seth.


I decided to tell Seth today considering this wasn't really news I could keep to myself but time was getting closer for him to come home from leading classes at his wrestling school and I was getting more nervous as I sat on the couch watching Emmery play on the floor with her toys.

"Hey Becks. Hi Em" he said picking her up and placing kisses on her face to which she giggled, "dada."

"Hey Seth... I got some news for you" I said cringing.

"What's up?" He said sitting on the other side of the couch with Emmery on his lap as he continued playing with her.

"Umm, well, I don't really know how to say this but you remember back when we uh slept together" I said awkwardly.

He nodded slowly not understanding where this was going. "Well, I, uh. I realized I was late so I took a test and it came back positive. I'm pregnant" I said.

The look on his face was pure disbelief but then a smile crept onto his face, "really?" He asked hopeful.

"Are you going to keep it?" He asked. I was confused at his seeming happiness, well he wasn't freaking out right?

"I think so. I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't keep it." I said and he nodded staying quiet for a moment.

"So what do you think?" I asked cautiously. Maybe he had a late reaction. I had prepared for the worst and was waiting for him to explode.

"Honestly Becks... if you're not worried, then I'm not either. We've already been doing this for a while. Nothing will change" he said calmly as if I had told him I just got a new car.

"Except I am worried Seth. I'm scared and I'm nervous, do you honestly think we can both work full time with two babies?" I asked upset.

"Yes, I do. I think you don't give yourself enough credit but I see everything you do and your amazing. You're not doing this alone, I'm right here alongs side you. Anything you need, money? I have more than enough to provide for all of us. Time? I would retire if you asked me to. Support? You'll be begging me to let you breathe because we're in this together Becks" he said.

There was silence as I took in his words. I was begging to get a headache from the feeling of being overwhelmed. Maybe telling him the same day I found out, wasn't the best idea.

"What are you going to do about wrestling right now? You've been wrestling pregnant" he said after a moment.

"I have no idea. I can talk to Steph and Hunter. They will probably have me drop the title and stop with the house shows for this week" I said shrugging. He nodded as he listened carefully.

"And where does that leave us?" He asked hesitantly.

"Nothing changes, for now we're still two friends that might have a baby together" I said shrugging.

"So what about-"

"Can we just drop this for now? We can talk about it later but right now it's just a bit too much for me" I said.

Seth sighed but nodded. "Yeah, of course. Let me know when you get home so I know you're okay" he said giving me a quick hug before I got my keys and drove home trying to figure out truly where I stood in all of this. I felt like I was being pulled in a million different directions but my heart was craving for me to turn around and stay with Emmery and Seth. However I listened to my mind and headed home as planned.

Word Count- 1270
~not edited~

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