Chapter 3

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Becky's POV

A week had gone by and Seth and I had figured out a routine. I slept over at his place to help put Emmery down, I left after breakfast to go home or hang out with Nick and then I'd come back around 6 to have dinner with Seth and Emmery.

It was a complicated yet simple cycle. I told Charlotte about it and she said I was insane for raising a baby that wasn't mine with a friend while I was in a relationship. I simply explained to her that she would love Emmery the moment she saw her.

Although I happen to hate Emmery's mother, Em clearly got her father's kindness because she is the sweetest thing ever.

"So how was your talk with Hunter?" I asked Seth as I fed Emmery.

"I think it went as good as it possibly could've. I get to keep my own locker room for as long as I need it, he doesn't mind having her around as long as she stays backstage but he said that if she gets hurt I can't sue" he said with a chuckle.

"That's good. Have you talked to your parents?" I asked. He sighed, "I've talked to my dad but not my mom. I know the moment I tell her she's going to want us to fly out so she can see Emmery and she'll probably get mad I let this happen in the first place and the fact that I didn't know isn't helping my case" he said rolling his eyes.

I chucked, "I think it would be a good idea to go, better now than Christmas right?"

Seth laughed in agreement, "I suppose. I'm kind of dreading it, I've made some progress but she prefers you to putting her to sleep."

"Okay, how about I go with you both? After all it's been a while since I've been back to Davenport to visit my mum" I said.

"Can you believe it's been almost 20 years since we met and became neighbors" Seth said. I chuckled, "are you calling me old? I'm only 28. At least I'm not 29, oldie."

Seth laughed, "you know what I mean, Red"

"Yeah I do, it's crazy. 18 years ago I was a little Irish 10 year old, new to the states. And then some idiot kid was making fun of my accent" Becky reminisced. "And then?" Seth asked knowing the next part of the story.
I rolled my eyes but couldn't keep the small grin off my mouth. "And then another partial idiot, a kind but none the less idiot punched him to defend my honor and we became best friends and then we found out we were neighbors. But not before he got sent down to the principals office and then proceeded to get suspended for a day."
"Yup, that's me" Seth said confidently. I rolled my eyes, "my hero" I said sarcastically.

"I don't know what you're trying say, I was your hero" he said. I bursted our laughing as I leaned into him. "Never said you weren't" I said as I sobered up.

"But anyways what's for dinner, I'm hungry" I said.

"Lasagna and mash potatoes" Seth said. "Vegan I suppose?" I asked. "Made with you in mind" he responded without missing a beat. I smiled, "perfect, I love vegan lasagna!"

"I know you do, now hand me Emmery so you can eat" he said. "But you haven't eaten either" I reminded him. "it's alright, I'll just set her on the swing" he said.

Thank God for that swing. It keeps her quiet, entertained, and it sometimes puts her to sleep.

"So when do you plan on telling your parents about her?" I asked. "Soon hopefully" he answered.

"Hey how about we surprise our parents? We still have four more days off" I said eating my food. "Yeah that sounds fun, I'll book the tickets right now" he said grabbing his laptop.

"Alright the flight is 5:45" he informed me. I groaned, "why so early? It's not work" I complained. Seth chuckled "I prefer flying early" he said with a shrug.

"Alright I guess that means after Em falls asleep I have to go home and pack" I groaned in laziness. Seth nodded, "I'll pick you up at 4:00 am sharp."

"Perfect, I hate driving that early. I always feel half asleep. That's why I always make Ashley drive in the mornings" I said.

"Wait Becks" Seth said suddenly which made me jump.

"Jesus, Seth What?" I said placing a hand over my heart.

"Can you help me pack for Em? I have no idea what I need to take and I don't really feel like buying double of everything in Iowa" he said. I chuckled, "Yes I will definitely help you"

So that was the plan, I was going to help him pack and then head home.

"Okay so I will pack the clothes. You go get the new formula, bottles, diapers, oh and her pacifier. She doesn't like it that much but it works sometimes. Oh and don't forget her lotion and soap" I instructed as I looked in Emmery's drawers.
"You got it" he said. I then proceeded to pack a plethora of shirts, leggings, onesies, singlets, shoes, headbands and just about everything I thought was cute in her closet. I had chosen most of the clothes when Seth and I went shopping so it was easy.

Packing for Emmery didn't take nearly as long as it takes me to pack so we were done in a little over 30 minutes.

True to our plans I headed home to pack. It took me about an hour to pack and then I got ready for bed because I would have to wake up early.

For the first time in a week something just felt like it was missing. I called Nick in an attempt to feel a little less lonely to no avail. I had no idea what I was feeling but I instead went to sleep to take my mind off of it.

Word count- 1014

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