Chapter 7

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Becky's POV

Although the flight was early as heck, I was much more energized and excited because I would be reunited with my best friends. It had felt like forever since I've seen Charlotte, Sasha, and Bayley.

All house shows had been cancelled and half the roster was off of Raw and Smackdown in an attempt to help give the talent some time off and give some of the less reoccurring superstars more tv time.

Unsurprisingly, all us four horse women were given time off which was well deserved but now we're all itching to come back.

"Is there something I'm missing here?" Seth said referring to my smile at 5:00 am.

"Geez, can't I just be happy? But if you must know, today all the girls are getting back together again. It's been a whole month!" I said trying to contain myself.

Seth chuckled at my eagerness, "I know, I'm ready to get back in the ring. Hey, do you want to travel with them? I really don't want to be extra baggage and I know you need girl time or whatever."
I analyzed him for a moment, he really only expressed concern for me and what I'm sacrificing. I waved him off, "what? of course not, now is my time to shine in the women's locker room with Emmery. I'm going to be famous, Charlotte's going to love her. And like I said before, I'm doing this because I want too. When have we ever not had each other's backs?" I said.

"Who was it that slashed my ex-boyfriend's tires with me when we caught him cheating on me?" I asked. "Me" he said weakly.

"Who was it that had sleepovers with me every weekend when little ms.popular in fourth grade didn't invite me to hers?" I questioned. "Me" he said chuckling at the memory.

"And who was it that picked me up at my worst, when I was ready to give up on life and quit wrestling?" I probed. "Me" he repeated.

"Exactly, you've seen me at my best and you've seen me at my worst. Best friends don't give up on each other" I said pulling him into a hug. He held me tightly as he whispered a thank you to me. Just then we heard our flight being boarded and my excitement resurfaced.

"Come on let's go!" I said excited as he picked up both the baby carrier and his luggage. "Put on your hoodie, you're going to get sick!" He said laughing. "Okay dad" I teased.

It was a typical flight, neither Seth or I slept. Emmery slept for half of the flight which I was glad for because she wouldn't be grouchy when meeting everyone. We proceeded to go about our normal routine of getting our luggage through baggage claim along with the extra baby stuff.

"Okay so I'll take my bags and Em. You can take your bags, the baby's bags, and the carrier for now because we need to attach it to the car when we get there but she needs to stretch her legs a bit" I explained.

Seth chuckled, "why do I have to carry more things?"

"Because you're taller" I said simply as if it was the most obvious answer. Although height has nothing to do with the fact that I'm lazy and want to carry the least amount of weight.
However, he chose to let me get away with it and carried most of the things.

We made our way to the car rental place and then headed to the arena. The whole way there our "four-horse besties" group chat was blowing up. The three had already gotten there and i was the last.

As soon as I walked through the doors I was tackled into hugs by all three of my best friends. "Too tight" I said as I muttered. We separate and all broke out into laughter.

"Come one you guys have to come meet Em, she's going to be on the road with me and Seth from now on" I said excitedly.

"You and Seth?" Charlotte said expectantly while raising an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes, "not like that Char and you know it." "I know, I know-"

"Just friends" they all mimic in sync.

"You guys" I whined.

"Alright, Alright, take us to the baby, you child" Charlotte said. I simply glared at her as the three of them chuckled.

I led them to Seth's new locker room and he sat on the couch next to Emmery who was playing with some toys. "Here she is, say hi Emmery" I said as she bounced signifying she wanted me to pick her up.

"Aww she's so cute!" Sasha gushed. "Let me hold her!" Bayley said squeezing in front of Sasha. "Hey!" Sasha protested.

"Please, don't hug her to death and that goes to all three of you. I only have one of her and I kinda like her" Seth said as I took a seat next to him to watch the girls fuss over Emmery.

"Pffft, I used to babysit as a teen Seth. I think I'm more than qualified to hold a baby" Sasha said. "Just double checking" he said with a slight chuckle.

"So how's the parenting life been?" Bayley asked.

"Honestly pretty good considering I have Becks to help me out. I couldn't have don't it with out her" Seth said. I grinned proudly at his words.
"Alright, I have to go get ready since I'm starting off the show. You're in charge Red, I feel like they might try and steal her" he joked. I chuckled, "gotcha."

The girls continued to play with her until she stated to get a bit overwhelmed and started fussing. Charlotte quickly placed her back into my arms and the baby stopped crying. "She really does love you, huh. What do you think about that?" Charlotte pondered.

I shrugged, "I don't know guys honestly, I want to be there for her but I also don't want to get attached. What happens if Seth gets a girlfriend and she decides she doesn't want me in the picture but I've grown attached to Emmery" I ranted.

"Bex, you've known him for almost your whole life. A true friend wouldn't do that and besides he seems genuinely grateful about your help" Charlotte said.
"Yeah, not many girls would help a guy raise a kid that isn't theirs" Sasha offered. "And especially sacrifice their sleep, personal space, and even put their relationship on hold" Bayley said. As soon as she said that I remembered about Nick and face palmed.

"Don't even get me started on my relationship with Nick. It's practically dead! We hardly even talk and we see each other even less" I groaned. "I don't know how he feels but I just don't get the same feeling like I did at the beginning of our relationship" I said sighing.

"Girl, break up with him! He was kinda douche anyways" Sasha muttered. "You think so?" I asked. "Becks we all know you can do so much better" Charlotte said. I leaned my head back on the couch as I tried to gather my thoughts. When I opened my eyes I realized Emmery had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position on my lap so I fixed her in my arms.

I stared at the peacefully sleeping baby against me. "I wish someone or something would just tell me if I'm doing anything in life correctly as of now."

Word Count- 1250

A/n: hi everyone hope you liked the chapter!! If anyone can let me know if they've been getting notified for chapter 1 being updated, even though it hasn't been updated since I published it, that would be great!! Not sure if it's just a glitch on my behalf❣️

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