[I] ▪ yunho (ft. stray kids) | change

Start from the beginning

"I'm [Y/N]. Sounds like you're just like me."

"Let me introduce you to the rest of my friends. I think you'll get along with them."

You end up hanging out with them for a couple hours, and you find them to be incredibly nice and funny.

They invite you go to do karaoke the next day so you can properly hang out.

Bangchan walks you back to your dorm. Your heart flutters, and you're incredibly happy by how your night turned out.


You meet Bangchan in front of the building where you'll be doing karaoke.

"The rest of the guys are at the rooms. Since there's so many of us, we're spread across a couple of rooms."

You just give him a smile and nod before following him into the building.

You spend the next couple of hours singing your heart out, forgetting about the rest of the world for a little bit. You're grateful you're able to let loose and finally feel normal for once.

On your way home, you're feeling high off of life. You plan to keep in touch with Stray Kids, as they've welcomed you into a new group.

But the feelings don't last long because you come across the director of your orphanage.

"[Y/N]! It's been a long time. It's time to come back."

"I'm an adult, in college, and living alone. I don't need anyone to take care of me! I've been handling myself very well without you guys."

You continue walking, but the director explains that the government says you have to come back with them.

They lightly grab your arm and drags you to their car.


The day after you're taken back to the orphanage, you're called into the director's office.

"You're being adopted by this lady here. You're a lucky one."

You can't tell if the director is being sarcastic or not, but you feel grateful that you're able to leave and never come back.

On the ride home, you sit in silence but you can't handle it anymore.

"Why'd you adopt me? Why me?"

"I have my sources. I know you need help."


Years pass, and living with your adopted mother is bliss. You're able to continue your studies and graduate from college.

Your adoptive mother eventually passes away and you inherit everything she owns.

You're not used to owning so much, so in a way you feel guilty from owing so much.

You become curious of your past since becoming older, so you take the car one day to where you grew up.

You stop in front of the orphanage and look at it in awe.

You don't notice a man come up to the car until he taps the window.

You roll down the window and smile.

"Hi! I'm Yunho. Can I help you?"

"I, uh, used to live here. There was an orphanage here."

"Oh, it got bought out by me. A music company is being built here. I'm part of a group called ATEEZ, and it's actually our company being built here."


You don't know how else to respond.

"Do you want to take a walk around one last time?"

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