The door closed shut and I shut my eyes in defeat. I had forgotten to take my bag pack away from sight and I remember it laying on one of the sides of the couch.

"Busted." Ariana said amused.

I once again got out of Ariana's closet for the second time today.

"You really like hanging around in my wardrobe uh?" She laughed as she saw me blush.

"I'm not the best improviser. I see a hiding possibility and I rush to it, I don't think." I tried justifying myself as I remembered being so close to her personal things which caused me to blush even more. She shook her head amusingly at my discomfort and proceeded into throwing herself on the couch.

"Found any sets of underwear you like in particular?" She asked me as I burned away right into hell imagining any of the underwear I saw on Ariana.

I swear this girl was a fucking mindreader.

"Oh my god! Not on me." She covered her eyes in embarrassment and I couldn't help but laugh at this discussion.

"Your mom has sharp eyes though." I tell her deciding to change the subject before I seriously end up coming across as a perv.

"Hiding will be added to the list of what you're not good at." She laughed regaining her composure.  "But seriously, mom just worries for me a lot. I'm her only daughter and I do come from an Italian background after all, you should see Nonna!" She laughed.

"Nonna?" I asked as I sat on the couch next to her.

"Yeah, she's my grandma. She's a true New Yorker with a fierce Italian side. My mom is a piece of cake to please compared to her" She looked over to me and smiled. "But I'm sure you two will get along, just like you and my mom."

Ariana talking about her family and how I would be welcome amongst them was a wonderful feeling. Scary but wonderful. She was not afraid to talk as though I already belonged into their intimate circle.

I could only smile back at her and nod.

I suddenly snapped back to reality and remembered that I actually had a job in this hotel. I looked at my watch and frowned. It was almost 10:30pm which meant I had to be down at the reception in 15mins.

"Ari, I hate to ruin this wonderful time we had together, but I need to get changed and ready for work." I said going to grab my treacherous bag pack. Ariana accompanied me to the door.

"So I will still see you around midnight, right?" She asked, sounding worried probably making sure I still wanted us to hang out.

"Of course but only if you want to. If you would rather rest, don't worry about it. In any case, I will be waiting for you downstairs." I said smiling at her. She was just so stunning leaning on the wall in her doorway, with her oversized hoodie. 

She smiled back widely. I turned around heading out the door and just as I was about to walk away, she added a sentence that caused yet another near death experience.

"By the way, you look hot in a uniform." I saw her wink as she closed the door in front of me.

Better make sure that my uniform was on point this evening.

The same security guy was still by the door and he smiled at me. He was probably imagining all sorts of things after having been in that room for a couple of hours, I smiled back but shook my head. I didn't want him to have the wrong idea about his 'boss'.

I made my way back down the emergency stairs as to not be seen and found myself outside. The February air was very fresh. I checked the road again, and still no sign of any crowd. They had probably imagined that she had already left.

After getting changed and ironing my uniform enough times to be impeccable, I made my way to reception where Alexander and Kevin were. Alexander saw me and suddenly had a very big smile on his face.

I panicked. What if he had seen me or caught me on the cameras? I attempted a smile and saw Kevin look at Alexander and I.

"You have such a glow to yourself this evening. You must have had a wonderful evening before work!" Alexander teased.

Oh gosh, he knows.

"I—uhm—Yeah it was alright just slept mostly and then left for work." My nervousness was getting the best of me.

"Y/N finally got laid!" Alexander shouted

"Alexander! Totally inappropriate." Kevin reminded him where we were as he shushed him afterwards.

"You're such a prude Kevin." Alexander dismissed his warning.

I walked passed and went into the back office to put my bag pack down with my stuff. I heard footsteps come into the room and how lucky was I? I was stuck in the room with Alexander. He gave me a mischievous smile informing me he had dirt on me or he knew what was going on.

"Look, it's not what it looks like. Nothing happened. Besides, the cameras are usually blurry and you can't tell it's me." I countered.

"What are you talking about?" I looked at Alexander and he looked genuinely confused, suddenly his eyes widened. "You dirty vixen, you record you and your partner getting it on and you post it on the internet?" He laughed.

Great. What a bloody misunderstanding I got myself into. I didn't know which one was worse: playing along with him thinking I had a fetish for filming my sexual encounters or admitting to being in Ariana's room all evening and giving him the chance to gossip about it, having it leaked to the tabloids and putting Ariana under the paparazzi's radar.

"What? No! Look Alex, just forget about it. It was just a misunderstanding. I didn't get laid, I did not film anything. Nothing happened. I'm still very much lifeless and a hibernating bear." I tried calming the situation down and avoid having any of the later options stuck to me.

"Right. Dirty Vixen." He turned around and headed out back to reception.

I breathed out, grateful that Alexander had not insisted with additional questions.

"By the way, you should have seen Oscar today." seeing Alexander come back to the office with a change of subject.

"What happened?" I knew exactly what had happened. I was there but I played along.

"He brought Ariana Grande her room service order and when he tried to leave his number he got shut down. Dramatically. Ariana is fierce; I love her. She's the only girl who ever got Oscar to shut up for a whole day." He laughed. I laughed with him remembering just how Ariana had handled that situation.

"Oscar will never learn." I took my laptop out from my bag pack and sat in the back while Alexander headed back out the door.

If Ariana were to come down, I wanted to make sure all my work was done this time so I could spend more time with her.

Alexander had given me a quick handover left a few minutes after I had arrived meaning Kevin was still out the front finishing his shift. I made some good progress and thank goodness there was not a lot to do for the next day as it was a very quiet day.

"Y/N, there is someone at the desk asking for you." Kevin said as his headed poked out from the doorway into the office.

Asides from Ariana, who could possibly want to talk to me? I got up, adjusted my uniform and headed out the door.

I froze at the doorway when I saw who was waiting for me.


A/N: Can't say it enough; thank you very much for your votes and comments! :D

On another note, I have now just publish a second story I will be working on "The Perfect Drug". Go check it out, only if you want to though :D

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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