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hey guys, I love all the support I'm getting, so thanks so much, none of this would be possible without u❤️❤️❤️❤️. Okay so I'm traveling on Friday so my deadline to finish this story is Thursday (I hope I can finish it🤞🏻). Sorry if this is short and remember don't hate me for the cliffhanger...


"Oh haha Jace. It really won't stop you from sleeping on the couch."

"Are you sure Doctor?" Clary questioned, still not believing her eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure Mrs Herondale," the doctor confirmed, "Would you like me to print out the results?"

"Y..yes, thank you," Clary stuttered.

The doctor gave her the picture and told her to come back in 4 weeks. When she saw the paper, she burst into tears and fainted.

"Umm.. hey Izzy,"  Clary said. She was with Izzy at Starbucks for some girl time.


"Please don't overreact but..."

"Don't chicken out Clary, I won't overreact."

Clary motioned for Izzy to come and whispered something in her ear.

"NO WAY!" Izzy yelled as soon as she took in the news. Clary pinched her,

"You said you wouldn't overreact."

"Sorry, but Clary are you sure?"

"I'm positive, I even went to the doctors," She handed over the sheet of paper to Izzy. Once Izzy saw what was on the paper, she looked at Clary with wet eyes. 

"Izzy,  please don't cry," Clary said trying to crack a joke, "We don't want smeared make up."

Izzy sniffed,"Ya, sure."

(SO... what do u guys think it is? I already know, but I won't spoil it😁)

That night, when Clary put the twins in bed, she asked them,

"What would you guys do if I went away to join the stars?"

Jonathan asked, "Mommy, why would you leave us? Don't you wuv us?"

"Because baby, when the stars ask to see you, you can't say no to them."

Amora cut in, "But Mommy, couldn't Daddy help you say no to them?"

"Sweetheart, even Daddy can't say no to them."

"But that's not fair!" The two and half year olds cried out, "We wuv you more than them!"

"Okay, but what if I told you something else?"

"Like what, Mommy?" The twins said eagerly.

Clary pretended to hesitate, "But you can't tell Daddy,  okay?"


She whispered something in their little ears. Jonny immediately cried,

"But don't you love us?"

"Of course I do, my prince, and my love for you both will only grow."

Amora sniffed, "But why?"

"Because the Angel knows what's best. And hey look at the bright side," she whispered something else  again.


Clary laughed, "Ya."

"Okay then, we awe okay with that."

"I knew you would be, you'll always my angels no matter what happens."

When Clary was finally in bed with Jace, she asked him,

"What would you do if I died?"

"Well you won't."

"Jace, I serious."

"And I'm serious too," Jace said firmly. Clary's heart melted and she caressed his cheek and searched his eyes,

"I have something to tell you, promise you won't get angry."


Clary took a deep breath in and said, "I have cancer."

Like I said before please don't kill me, it will all be explained in the next chapter. Special shoutout to all those who are supporting me and voting, I love all of  my beloved readers.  Trust me I hated writing this cliffhanger too. This chapter's dedication is for one of my best friends on wattpad go check her out, so special thanks to her. Don't worry you all will get your dedications, I've got it all planned out.

Question of the day:

Q: What was a traumatizing experience for you?

my answer: I was swimming in the pool and my mom said don't freak out, so naturally I freaked out and then she's like there's a bug in ur ear.  I swear I almost fainted and I literally yelled my head off 😂😂. So,  bless my mom, she reached into my ear and took out the bug, and in. the brief second I saw it, it was curled up and dying with it's legs moving. I pretty sure I have a phobia of bugs now because I literally go blind when my mom teases me for it and by that I mean kick and scream for God know how long🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂. Or I just freeze and cry, my mom calls it trauma, I call it a phobia. So yeah, I know my reaction to this seems really stupid, but hey I can't help it, I'm just glad my cousins don't know or I would be teased for life🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂😂😂.

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