gender reveal pt1

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hey guys thanks soooo much for all the support you're all giving me it means a lot. Please remember to vote and comment on the baby/babies.  So far twins: boy and girl is in the lead, so if you want something else please remember to vote.  Tomorrow, is the deadline because, I'm going to say the gender/s. Names will also come after that so make sure you give name as well, thanks again for all the support, I was really expecting like only 20 reads :), so thanks for proving me wrong. 


When the doctor rubbed the gel on her stomach, Clary shivered from the coldness of it. Once the doctor was finished, she said,

"Congratulations you two! You have a healthy baby....."

"Actually, could you write the gender in an envelope, so we can give it to our family for a gender reveal?" Jace interrupted, while Clary looked pleasantly surprised at the request.

"Sure no problem," the doctor said and proceeded to write something down. Then she said, "Come back in four weeks time, okay?"

As soon as they had gotten in the car Clary asked,

"Jace why'd you do that?"

"Because Izzy asked me to," he said like it was obvious.

"Since when do you listen to Izzy?"

"Since I wanted to have a party for us and the baby."

Clary smirked, "And the truth comes out," then hormones kicked in and she started crying, "Jace don't you, w...why d..didn't you tell"

"Because baby, I wanted to be a surprise," Jace reassured her, then took her hand and kissed her knuckles, "I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to take it the wrong way."

Clary sniffed, "Okay."

After a little while, Clary asked,

"Jace, do you want a boy or a girl?"

"Hmm.. I don't know, I actually don't care as long as the baby is healthy, I really don't care. Although, I really would like a girl."

"I wanna boy, so he can be like you." (I know, I know but trust me I was debating whether or not to put that.)

"Really? You love me that much?" Which received a goodnatured slap from Clary.

"How'd it go?" an excited Izzy squealed as soon as Clary and Jace arrived.

"Eh, it was okay; here's the envelope," Jace said, handing Izzy the envelope. Then Clary thought, if he's so determined to be so this-is-like-everyday-things, then let's see how he reacts to this. then winking at Izzy she screamed,

"OUCH! THE BABY! OH GOD!"  Clary then proceeded to pretend faint in Jace's arms.

The acting was apparently really good because Jace actually began to have waterworks,

"Oh my Angel! Somebody call a doctor!  Clary, love, wake up!" Jace continued to panic and cry until Izzy began chuckling and soon she was on the floor clutching her sides at Jace's confused. and hurt look,

"Isabelle, why are you laughing? This is serious."

"Oh.. Jace..  Oh Angel I can't speak,"  she continued her laughing, "Just look at your Fiancé!

"That's exactly my point and..." he trailed off he saw Clary's eyes open and a smile she couldn't wipe off her face.

"Clary!" Then he broke down, while Clary comforted him,

"Hey, hey,  it's okay, hush it was only a prank."

Jace sniffed "I thought I lost you and our baby."

"It's okay, I'm here and the baby is also here," she placed Jace's hands on her stomach. Out of the blue, Jace laughed and it was soon joined by Clary. They hadn't even noticed Izzy left awhile ago.

(time skip, I didn't know what to write)

"And the soon to be parents are here!"  Simon announced, as Clary and Jace entered the backyard. 

"Where's the balloon? You know, the black one that had sparkles all over it?" Magnus suddenly yelled out.

"It's here, babe." (if anyone is confused that's Alec speaking)

"Okay then let them pop it now. I know my daughter is itching to find out who exactly she's carrying in her stomach."

"I love how Magnus and I are the only ones who know the gender,"  Izzy said tiuphantly.

"We know that little sis, stop shoving it in our faces," Alec groaned.

Eager to know his child's gender Jace yelled,

"Okay, that's enough arguing for one day! Give us the balloon."

"Well someone's fatherly instincts are coming in," Simon teased.

"Shut it vamp."


"Okay," both boys said like meek 2 year olds.

"Okay pass over the ballon Alec."

"Here you go Clary."

"Ready Jace?"

"Yup," he answered popping the 'p'. 

As soon as they popped the balloon, they gasped in happiness at what they saw.

haha its TBC,  sorry for the late update. Remember to vote on the baby gender/s.

Question for today is:

Q: What is your top 3 books?

my answer: OOH God that's hard. Let's go with: PJO, KOTLC , Red  Queen.

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