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Hey guys, I'm almost freaking fainted: 850+ reads!!!  Thank you sooo much, I can't say it enough. Thank God I survived parent teacher conferences. Woo hoo!  Also, funny story. My English teacher wrote down for an answer blah blah blah because women are fragile, and I was literally seething, I have a huge feminist inside me then she wrote BUT it shows power and I was like BOOYAH, go us. NO offense boys just saying.


The boys went red in the face with embarrassment, while the girls laughed their heads off.

The twins were 6 months old and Jace wanted to celebrate. Clary wanted an excuse to celebrate her twins and willingly agreed. They sent out invitations to everybody they knew and loved.

When Amora first started crying more than usual,  Clary immediately panicked and took her and Jonathan to the doctor just to be on the safe side.  

"Hello doctor,"  Clary greeted.

"Hello Clary. What brings you here today?"

"Um well, Amora stated crying more than usual and keeps clawing at her mouth and well, I brought Jonny here for a check up to make sure he doesn't get the same problem as Amora."

"How many months are they?"

"6 months."

"Okay, this is actually normal," the doctor reassured, "it actually means that little Amora is teething, so it may hurt her gums in the process."

Clary breathed a sigh of relief, until she realized her son wasn't teething, "But what about Jonny?"

"I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, some babies grow their teeth late, (such as me, I started teething at 1🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️) it's nothing to worry about though," she said warmly.

"Okay, thanks so much. But is there anything that can help numb the pain?"

"Yes I suggest teething rings, " the doctor said, before warning, "I also firmly advise you to keep your fingers to yourself because they're learning to strengthen their grip and, especially Amora, use your fingers as their teething ring." (That's what happened with my sister. She seemed to think my fingers were toys and the worst thing was that she rarely looked at anyone else's fingers, ya I totally feel the love.)

"Okay, anything else doctor?"

"Nope, you're all set."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome, see you in a month? We need to get the rest of those shots done."

"No problemo."

"So, how was it? Is my little princess okay?" Jace asked, as soon as he saw them.

Clary laughed, "Oh daddy's little girl is fine, she's just teething. But Jonny isn't."

Jace let Amora play with his fingers, "Is that a bad thing?"

"Well, the doc-"

"OWW! Sh*t Amora!"

"Jace," Clary said warningly.

"Oops, sorry but she won't let go of my fingers and she bit them, like I'm her favorite parent. Why can't she bite your fingers?" Jace pouted.

Clary just laughed, "You're not afraid of demons slicing you,  but you're afraid of your daughter fighting you?"

Trying to defend himself, he said, "Well she caught me off guard."

"The Jace Herondale was off guard?" Clary asked cracking up again.

Jace opened his mouth to say something but Izzy's voice came instead of his, "Now this I have to hear, because I've never seen my brother off guard."


"Hey Jace, missed me?" A very pregnant Izzy asked.

"No," Jace grumbled under his breath.

"Hey Izzy! How ya holding up?"

"I'm fine Clary but now I actually feel your pain rather that just symapthazing," Izzy answered, "How are my munchkins doing?"

"They're doing great and they're also really excited for the party you guys planned."

Izzy smirked, "They should be."

"Happy Half Birthday!" Everyone screamed.

Amora and Jonathan didn't understand what was happening but went along with the mood of the party.

"C'mon let them open their presents now!"

"Magnus, why'd you get present? They're already spoiled rotten," Clary protested, though she was secretly delighted her twins were spoiled and loved..

"Well it's not only me biscuit," Magnus argued, "so you can't hold any grudges against me."

"Fine, let them open their presents," Clary sighed.

"Why are you so annoyed?" Jace asked when the party was all done.

"Because I'm the one putting the presents away, while everyone else is sleeping,' Clary complained.

Jace kissed her forehead and told her, "I'll help you, then you can go to sleep faster."

"Okay, thanks."

Okay guys, sorry for the bad chapter and late update, I just didn't know what to write. Anyway Sizzy baby out next chapter, so I'm hoping that chapter will be better I can't say it enough: Thanks for the reads, comments and votes, it really means a lot.

Question of the day:

Q: What were your three childhood stories?

my answer: Enid Blyton stories, American girl, Hardy boys/ Nancy Drew. Yes I know,  no Roald Dahl but I actually don't like his stories, I'm weird right😂😂😂?

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