Sizzy's baby

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Hey guys, OMG 970+ views that a lot, so thankyouthankyouthankyou. I love you guys sooo much. Thanks for all the love and support. Also, I just remembered that a wedding was supposed to happen when the twins were 2 months old, so sorry I forgot. Don't worry though, you'll still get our OTP's wedding.


"Okay, thanks."

"Uh.. Simon, don't freak out but..."

"What is it Izzy?" Simon asked worriedly.

"Umm... I'm in labor?" 

"You're in WHAT?"

"Ugh Simon," Izzy rolled her eyes," That means I'm gonna give birth pretty soon."

Simon immediately panicked and started pacing around the room.

"Simon you're not helping right now," Izzy winced as liquid ran down her legs. Simon eyed the blood warily, trying to refrain himself.

"Okay, let's get you to the hospital," Simon said, as he helped her change into her emergency hospital kit.

"Hey, Simon?" Izzy asked once she was put safely in the bed.


"Do you think the kid will be a vampire or shadow hunter?"

"I don't know actually but whatever the gender or race I'll love the child with all my body and non-existent heart."

Izzy laughed before screeching in pain, "Simon! Call the...Doctor!"


"I don't know?" Simon said meekly as Izzy crushed his hand.

"You can do it Miss Lightwood, just a few more pushes," the doctor encouraged.

"AHH!" Izzy screamed, and soon enough a baby's wails could be heard echoing through the walls.

"Congratulations! You have baby girl! What's her name?"  The doctor said.

Simon cut the umbilical cord, while Izzy said, "Her name is Evelyn Leia Lewis." (which reference is this? COMMENT.)

"Oh my Angel! She's so cute!" Clary squealed as soon as she set her eyes on Evelyn.

 "What's her name?"  Maryse asked.

"Evelyn Leia Lewis, Eve or Evey for short."

"No offense but is she a shadow hunter or vampire?" Jocelyn questioned.

"I actually don't know, but it would be cool if she was both."

"Can I hold her? Maybe I can tell," Magnus asked.

"No, you men might drop her," Izzy said firmly, "Plus can't you use your magic when Eve's in my arms?"

Magnus looked sheepish and Alec laughed, "Well when we get a kid, it's you guys who won't be able to hold her."

"No, I think you've got it wrong. The kid will have enough of boys and will want us to hold him or her," Clary smirked.

"Clary, if I wasn't holding Evey I'd high five you!"

"I'd high five you too, only I'm holding Jonny."

"Morinin' Izzy," Simon said as he saw Izzy waking up, "how'd you sleep?"

"Like a log, thanks to you."

Simon grinned, "Nice having a vampire take care of your baby, huh?"

"Ya, I get to sleep and you just don't sleep so you don't get bothered by taking care of Eve throughout the night."

"I hear Clary doesn't have your luxury, she literally pushes Jace off the bed because he doesn't take his turn."

Izzy laughed, "That's the brother I know. And I'm assuming the reason that you're stating the obvious is for me to feel grateful?"


She laughed again, "Okay, Simon! Thank you."

Sorry for late update and bad chapter but hey you guys got a sizzy baby. Also thanks sooo much for 1k reads, I literally couldn't believe it! So thanks sooooooooo much.

Question. of the day:

Q:Who's your favorite singer?

my answer: Hmm... that's hard, a lot actually. How about Anne-Marie or Post Malone

Clace's babyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora