gender reveal pt2

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omg you guys 200+ views, are you kidding me? Thank you sooooo much. But I'm dying (from laughter, don't worry about me) from this picture, it's so freaking funny and don't get me started on Jace's face😂😂. Anyway the winner is twins: boy and girl, so I guess in a way everyone got what they wanted. Again thanks so much for your love and support.


As soon as they popped the balloon, they gasped in happiness at what they saw.

Two smaller balloons emerged from the bigger ballon. The whole room, short for Magnus and Izzy, drew in a breath as realization hit them. Their favorite ship were having twins, Clary and Jace were. having twins. One smaller balloons fell into each of the couples hands. Jace popped his and out came pink confetti and a picture of the girl from the ultrasound. Clary did the same for hers and out came blue confetti and a picture of the boy.

With tears of  joy in her eyes, Clary said,

"Jace we both got what we wanted."

"Y..yeah," he said trying to remain in control of his emotions.

"I'M HAVING GRAND BABIES!" Jocelyn and Maryse squealed. Everyone laughed and the party continued and ended on a happy note with Magnus saying,

"Double glitter for double kids!"

The two got so much of congratulations, that Clary got overwhelmed and fainted for a few seconds when it finally sunk in that she was having not one baby but two.

(time skip, it was getting boring)

As Clary and Jace were laying in bed, Clary voiced her worries to Jace,

"Jace what if I'm not a good mom? What if I can't raise them right? One baby was overwhelming enough but two! Don't get me wrong, I love them b..but." Jace stopped twirling his fingers in Clary's hair as she choked back a sob.

"Claire bear(I can't remember who called her that, or maybe that was a fanfic, but just say it was Jace for the story, ok?) , you don't have to worry about being a good mother, in fact you're going to be an excellent mother. If there's anyone to worry about not being a good parent, it should be me because I've never experienced having a loving father, who actually cared for me. Hey, hey don't cry. What's wrong?"

"N..nothing, it's just that you for the first time doubted yourself," Clary smiled through her tears.

Jace arched an eyebrow, knowing that was definitely not the reason for her crying and it certainly wasn't hormones, 


"And I dunno, I know a child is bundle of joy b..but what if I don't make it and the children won't have a mother o...or what i...f one or both of them don't make it, I wouldn't know what to do with myself."

Just the the thought of one of his family members dying, made Jace's heart go cold, "Clary, don't even think about that, we shadowhunters have methods to make sure nobody is left behind and since you and the babies are Herondales, you have special treatment."

"Somebody is back to his cocky old self," Clary laughed and went to sleep in Jace's safe arms. 

Sometime in her sleep she had a weird dream, one of her future:

She was putting a newborn to sleep, rocking the baby gently in her arms when she heard a wail,


"Yes dear?" her, what she assumed, future self answered.




"Amora and Jonathan please settle down, I'm putting the baby to sleep," she scolded a pair of identical five year olds, each with her eyes and Jace's hair, a perfect combination.

"Sorry momma," the pair said meekly.

"It's all right you two," then she said, "I have an idea."

"What is it momma? What is it?"

"Well daddy is coming home soon, how about we make him chocolate chip cookies?"


Clary put a finger on her lips, "But we won't make them if you two won't stay silent."

The twins-her twins- whispered, "Okay momma."

Clary laughed, put the baby in the crib and motioned for them to follow her.

Jace woke up to Clary cuddling into him closer than he would've thought possible, with a large smile on her face. He wondered what she was dreaming about.

Okay *breaths sigh of relief* , well that's that. Sorry for the late update though. But OMG almost 300 views, am I dreaming? Thank you guys soo much.

Question of today is:

Q: Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?

my answer: PJO girl 4 life! Go Uncle Ricky (He's not my uncle *wipes away tear* but just a nickname me and my ex-friend called him)

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