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Hey guys, thanks again for the love and support. I really need it now, so thanks for being there when the jerks I call my friends aren't. Sorry if this is pointless, but I'm trying to make it better. 


"Revenge for calling me a meany."

I look fat, Clary thought as she waddled to Izzy's room, I some revenge on Jace for making me look this fat.  When she opened the door she shouted,

"OH MY ANGEL! I'm scarred for life!" She quickly shut the door. (not gonna spoil people's innocence but I think most of you can guess.)

She began to walk away when she slammed into a hard chest.


"Hey Clary, why were you screaming?"

She went red and whispered something in his ear. (again not gonna spoil a reader's innocence.)

Once Jace comprehended what his Fiancé said, he went went over-protective brother mode.

"She and Simon were WHAT!"

Clary put a reassuring hand on his chest, trying to stop him from ruining Izzy's (how do you put this lightly?) moment with Simon."

When Jace still didn't calm down, she tried the last card.

"You know, the twins want to spend time with their daddy, they think my stomach is a soccer field."

Jace chuckled, "They definitely have my genes."

"Well let's go on a date, then we can talk to the babies in peace."

Jace, seemingly forgotten about the incident, agreed without a second thought. 

"Okay, but where will we go?"

"To the park."

"Sure, but which one?"

"The one we walk to," Clary answered slyly.

Jace didn't look very confident, but he nonetheless went with Clary willingly.

When they arrived, the twins were kicking. It was almost as if they knew their mother was up to something.

"Hey Jace?"


"Why are you staring at me?"  (Why did I put this in? It's so cliché)

"Because you're beautiful and I want people to know that you're mine."

"Uh Jace, doesn't this," she gestured to her six month pregnant stomach, "and this," she gestured to her ring, "prove that I'm taken?"

"Yes but some people will just ignore it."

"Hey, I've got an idea, let's go to the lake!"


Jace screamed a high-pitched, girly scream. (I wish that was caught on camera.)


"Jace, baby, calm down you're drawing attention," Clary soothed, trying to suppress a laugh.

"Did you know there were going to be ducks?"

"Maaaybe..." Clary answered.


"Because you made me look fat. Actually fatter then most pregnant women."

Jace was somehow still on the floor, shaking in fear.

"Okay, time to get up big guy," Clary said, as she tried to heave him up. As she was trying to heave Jace up she promptly fell onto the grass, stomach first.

"Clary!" Jace yelled.

Clary muttered something incoherent and her eyes at the back of her head.

TBC.*laughs evilly*. You know what's coming next, so if you want to skip until question of the day. Sorry for the late update, I just didn't know what to write and TBH I'm dealing with more sh*t right now in school, so my writing may not be as good. Again thanks for all the love and support.

Question of the day:

Q: What is your favorite subject?

my answer: Probably English because I love the teacher. BTW, IDK why I'm saying this but I. made this up  and it got stuck in my head: 

Math hurts your brain and English hurts your hand. So in a way they're the same.

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