CHAPTER 7: A House Party

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I couldn't believe I even told him I was an author and that I had fans. Oh well, doesn't matter anyways. I was still surprised though to see him trying to look for a journal when he doesn't look like one who does that. Then when he admitted it wasn't for him, I felt like he was telling me the truth, not that it was any of my business in the first place anyway but I wondered in who he was getting it for. 

However, I do love the fact actually when he noticed I was popular and had fans because he seemed to be taken back and a little bit surprised in which for some reason made me feel good. 

Yesterday was when I saw him and I couldn't get him out of my head for some reason. Then it didn't help things after Kelsa came over and told me that her and Torro were going to a party he was throwing at his house tonight and I knew right away that HE would be there. 

It took a while to finally convince me but as soon as she had him start to ask me a few times, I finally caved in just to shut them up. 

I was able to start in on a new story I have been working on for the past couple of months and waited until after my most recent one that I just sent off to my publisher was finished to work on it more to become the next book I had published. 

When I had finished up with writing the first chapter, I noticed that I had lost track of time and was cutting things close to when the party was going to start. 

Torro had assured me that there was not going to be any BDSM there and to dress whatever I thought was comfortable which made me at first think about leggings or some nice jeans and a nice top to match but of course, Kelsa disapproved of that and came over to help me pick out an outfit that I will admit made me feel sexy and yet not slutty. 

It was a dark thigh high skirt along with a nice thin strapped top and cardigan sweater to go with it also. My hair was down and I only had mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss on this time which happens to be more my style in general anyways. 

Next we called for a taxi to come and get us to take us there and after being dropped off and walking inside the house, I was surprised. 

The house was two story but not a huge mansion of any kind as I thought he would be in, but it still was nice and definitely had the simplicity decor of a bachelor, which Kelsa will change that up I know if this works out between them and she moves in with him. 

She told me that he inherited this house after his grandmother passed and nobody in his family wanted it really anyways, so he took it. 

We find Torro and not that I care but while walking around through the house after grabbing a beer and leaving them two to do whatever they wanted together, I had noticed I didn't see that guy, Parker. 

I was feeling a little bit relieved at the fact that his friend wasn't here and at the idea that his friend might not be here tonight and show up at all. Then there was another part of me that wanted to see him again. 

He was hot and sexy to look at for sure and had me intrigued without a doubt, although I am trying not to let him see that or the effect he has on me. 

When I came back downstairs, I noticed just then walking through the door was none other than Parker. Everybody greeted him and were loud trying to greet him over the loud music that was playing then the girls throwing themselves onto him calling him 'Sir' and 'Master' despite the fact we weren't at the club. 

I'm not sure in why but once he spots me and we lock eyes with each other for a brief moment, I for some reason begin to panic and become a little bit nervous all of a sudden without any explanation and quickly turn around and start walking outside towards the backyard to hopefully avoid him until her and I leave. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

Sorry for the slow updates on here and late ones, was having some issues with the WIFI at the place we are vacationing at but still have one more for this one to post and then I will actually post the sneek peeks to the other couple of stories coming out soon and that I unfortunately wasn't able to post like I wanted to, last night on the 16th. So I'm sorry and didn't mean to break those promises (you know me, I don't ever mean to break them and for the most part, I rarely do unless something happens, otherwise, I always follow through and keep my promises) in posting them but with the issues I was having, I'm surprised I'm able to get enough signal here to post these. lol. So as a THANK YOU for being my beloved patient fans and being so understanding and loving, I will be posting more chapters to the sneek peeks, this Saturday, Dec. 20th that I believe you all will like and enjoy!!    Love you all very much and am getting real inspired though for even more stories including the sequels you guys have asked for and looked like there may be postings of those VERY soon. :) ;) 

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