CHAPTER 17: Please Don't Ruin This

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I couldn't believe Kelsa would not call me to let me know she couldn't make it. I would have understood. Then to suggest my DOM here to be my date tonight and him even agreeing to doing it, I was already feeling nervous but now, I feel as though I'm about to have a possible panic attack.

"Relax." I hear him tell me, breaking my train of thought.

"What?" I asked.

"I can tell you're nervous and tense. Just relax. It's just a meeting. You'll be fine." He tells me.

"You don't understand. This isn't just some  meeting. This is a BIG meeting. I have been offered to have one of my stories become a movie. That's a HUGE deal to me." I tell him.

"I understand that but you need to not be so nervous. Think about the fact how this person came and approached you because they are interested in your story. So they technically came to you." He tells me.

In a way he had a point and I found it to be a bit comforting.

"Thanks." I tell him.

"Of course " He smiles at me.

We shared a brief moment of silence until I finally said something about tonight and him telling them who he is.

"About tonight then, as much as I appreciate you doing this and am not trying to sound like a controlling person or sound ungrateful, I really need for you to promise me that you won't mention how we met or what we do together." I began.

"Ah, embarrassed as to what it'll do to your reputation?" He asks with a cocked eyebrow.

"No. Well, in a way, I feel it's none of their business, but mostly, I just don't want them to think I paid for an escort or someone to be my date tonight." I admit embarrassingly.

"Don't worry." He tries reassuring me but it's no use, I don't trust he will follow my advice or suggestion.

After we pulled up in front of the restaurant, a valet guy came up and opened the door then helped me out. Next he got the keys from Parker before taking off to park it.

We had only minutes to spare before we began to walk inside where it was warm and see of rather or not my Publisher and Director were here already.

As soon as I told the host my Publishers name, she told me they had just arrived a few minutes ago and had just been seated. So she grabbed a couple of menus, while also not missing a beat in checking out Parker as we followed her to the table.

Once we said 'hi' and greeted each other, I was surprised in seeing who the Director was and was feeling more nervous now. I was more than pleased and excited that it was this big Director, but also was a little surprised and suddenly became at a loss for words at the moment.

After we all sat down and ordered, before we began to mention the movie ideas and deal, my Publisher, Ruth started the conversation off with asking Parker at first some questions.

"So, Parker is it? What do you do?" She asks before taking a sip of her wine.

"I'm a business owner in the entertainment business." He winks at me.

"Oh really? Movies? Music?" She asks.

"Neither. Different entertainment." He mentions.

"Anything we might have heard of?" She asks him.

"Possibly." He tells her.

We all share a brief moment of silence and then finally the Director starts the meeting.

"So, Macey. Ruth here, along with Roger have told me about your story and also gave me a copy of it. My wife has become a huge fan very quickly." He remarks.

We all laugh a little as I feel also flattered.

"Really? Wow. Thank you." I replied.

"Yes well, I feel it has great potential in becoming a movie hit." He says.

"Wow, that's amazing." I reply with a huge smile.

"I do have some ideas that I would like to go over with you." He begins.

"Alright." I replied.

We then started discussing his ideas and mine and even though we didn't agree to everything and ended up compromising at the end on some ideas, he had mentioned that if I became a Producer, I would have a little more input on the movie because he wants to bring the story to life for me and my fans.

"Sounds great." I smiled even bigger. "That's what I care about. I want my fans to be as happy as I will be with it. I mean, I understand that we have to 'Hollywood' it up a bit but also want to keep as much of the story they can to be happy with also." I finish explaining to him.

"Of course." He smiles at me. "So do we have a deal?" He asks.

"Yea." I replied as we shook hands across the table.

I thought that was the end of the meeting and it was perfect timing because our food had just arrived at the table and I was less nervous feeling now than I was a few moments ago and then then the most awful thing I could think of happened, Parker felt somehow he should chime in.

I swear if he says what we REALLY are to each other, I'm gonna punch him.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Shy VS DominantOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora