chapter 17 - end of the trip

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(Time skipped bcs I ran out of ideas)


(Y/n) POV

Waking up in the morning was tiring , I sat up and remember the date I had with ayato it was simple yet somehow I felt happy knowing him. I only used him before but now it's like I like him, I slap my cheek trying to wake myself up saying " stick to the plan (y/n) " .

The teachers where now calling us so I get up and fix myself up, another day of exhaustion. I went out and meet up with all the girls in the camp for breakfast, I manage to have good acquaintances and somehow they keep on talking about ayato who seemed to be hot and that it's their type. I just got along with them and eat my food. The gossip girls were talking about how poor those boys are at the other side of camp. We just listen as the female gossiper went on the story. She then said..

"I heard the teachers confiscate all their sweet food, porn magazines and their gadgets "

I was a lil shocked tho some girls were like me too.  It sure is harsh but I think the sensei did it for discipline,  tho it's a bit too much , I think to myself. The girl talked again..

"I heard something bad will happen on this last day of trip we have, according last years trip the female camp was attacked by the Male camp because the boys cant take it anymore and do bad naughty things on us" I looked at everyone and they all seemed worried and scared. I stood up and everyone Looked at me .

" we must all remain calm and prepare if ever that will happen" after what I said the power of our camp turned off. I heard some girls scream.

" girls, all of u behind me !! I shall put an end to this situation " all girls gathered behind me as I moved forward and wrap my fist with bandages. " for those who can fight , fight along side me and we shall teach those guys a lesson".

The teachers came and inform us the guys got crazy and want to attack us, they turned the power off so they can pass the electric barrier on the bridge to our camp. Some girls are terrified and some got a stool, some got knives and shovels. The teachers said they called the police to help us but also for the mean time protect ourselves.  The male teachers said they will put on barbed wires on our campus , so they went on it fast . I commanded all the scared girls to hide at basement and they did leaving the angry and willing to fight female schoolmates with me. I smirk evily as I get my secret black bag .

" okey girls fall in linee~~" I said as they fall on line ,okey were all 30 . Gives them each one  electric teaser as I chuckle. The girl hold them as felt safe and I can feel their bloodlust fir zapping those poor naughty boys.
One girl asked me " how come u have all these?" I replied " well I happen to bring them along with me" I smiled at her and go in front. 

" now u have ur electric teaser,  now u can have these" I removed the cover and showed them metal tubes " now girls get one for each , it's time to beat up some asses" I heard the loud cheer of girls which made  me feel happy and excited. "Now u girls wait here , I'll go attract first u girls attract the guys who slip on my way" the girls grip on their weapons tight and replied "yes (y/n)" I smiled to them and went out , locking the door from outside and put the key in my pocket . I sprint fast and climb up a tree I got my silencer and loaded it with sleeping pins as I smile widely.

( on the other side )

Ayato POv

The guys here are acting strange and wants to attract the girls camp, I just let them be but I heard some guys want to cut loose and attack the girls. I just ignored them and make my way to the forest to and climb a tree. I sat down  on a thick branch and saw the guys went to the generator and shut it down making all the lights on this area shut down.

"This is getting out of hand" I hurried my way to the girls area but I got pinned down on the forest ground seeing my sweeties angered eyes . She then seemed disappointed seeing me , she got us and brush off some dust on her as I sat up.

"I'm here to tell u the guys are approaching you girls" I looked at her and she seemed not to be in the mood. Even if she's not on the mood she still looks hot and beautiful. She spoke up and told me to give her a hand in fighting those boys back and protect the girls. I'm impressed how she put others first before her self. I held her hand and kissed the back part "I don't want my sweetie's hand be dirtied , I can do it all for u " I looked at her eyes and I can see she got taken back to what I said , she looked cute tho it's worth it. She climbed up a tree and took her silencer out , my eyes widen .

"Whoaa, is that real?" I looked at her shocked and she smirked "well somehow but there are no bullets just small tiny pins covered with sleeping syrum . Then I'll trust u do the hard work I'll just be here then " I smiled at her but she looked away which is  cute. I go and rush finding my first victim to annaliate.

New update, it's been a while since I updated this book but I hope u will look forward reading it 🥰😊 I'll be sure to put on an unex6plot twist for u readers . Pls don't forget to rate😊🤗

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