Chapter 14 - waiting

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Natsume POVs

Hmmm... Somehow my phone staffer to rang, I reach to it and then I can see that the caller ID is my (Y/n) has called me....

"Hi there my honey .."-me

"Well I'm not gonna be home for a week sorry honey.."-her

Ahhh... This is sad because (y/n) will be not here for a week and from the tone of her voice I can tell that she is sad too. Well maybe I'll just wait for here since she is sad for me not to be with him.

"So (y/n) I'll just be waiting here until you come back.."-me

"But.. I'm worried since you can't walk and it's my fault.."-her

I can hear the sound of guilt in her voice...

"It's okey honey , I can take care of myself so you don't have to worry a thing."-me

"Well okey... If you say so but then I will miss you honey."-her

"Okey bye for now honey, I'll be cooking for myself now. Oh, I'll call you later.."-me

"Okey honey, bye"-him

After that phone call I went to the kitchen to cook something for myself. Well I'm just happy that (y/n) had finally loved me back and that she really did kill someone for me. I will just have to believe in (y/n) and I still need to rest because my back and legs are killing me. I just wish that this week will come to and end as fast as I want it to be.

Now I'm in the counter thinking about something and then an idea had pop out of my head...

"It would be nice to prepare something for my (y/n) when she come home. "

I then hold that thought because I'm going to my room for the ideas. But then one thing had caught my eye and that is the calendar. So I happen to stop in front of the calendar... My eyes was now widen in shock because its almost our birthday... Well that's something to prepare for but the the best part is that, it will be next week so that means (y/n) will be back... I need to make her birthday memorable because it will be her 18th birthday, whoowhoo!!! I'm so happy excited for that day to come.

"But first I still need to heal myself."-me

Well I already eat something, maybe I will try to drink painkillers since my back and legs hurt. After drinking the painkillers I went directly to bed and then decided to sleep. I hope (y/n) will be okey and that she will be in my dreams to, I already miss her so much.

(Y/n) POVs

Finally I can have a week for my plans and of corse the time to gain the trust of Ayato. I just hate myself back then especially when I called Natsume...ughh, I promise to myself that this shit will all end. Well this is something because the teachers made two groups making the girls separate to the boys, somehow I was relived because I cannot be close to Ayato and at the same time I'm disappointed because I cannot do my plans. The teachers lead up to the opposite direction away from the boys. Well as a student we all girls followed the female teachers which is leading the way....

(Time skipped after walking)

Wow, was the only thing that has escaped my lips... And when I glanced to the other girls they were also in awe.. We saw a beautiful cabins in front of us and they were so many of them but then what caught my attention is that they have hot springs in here and also a bath house... Hmmm, somehow this might not be that bad. All girls were now talking and some were very excited and me I was like (I don't give a fuck about it) suddenly the teachers were now getting our attention causing the noise to an end.

"Okey, girls group you selves into 3 because 3 persons will have to share one cabin and don't worry about the things that you need because everything is all set of this camping event... Well just take some rest for today because tomorrow we will start the activities and we will just have to inform you if we will be cooking for our meal and of corse everyone has to help .. You are now dismissed"- sensei

I was about to walk out from the group of girls because somehow it's annoying but then someone grabbed me by my arm.

"What the..."-me

Somehow I'm really scared and worried of who the fuck is this... But then she spoke something...

"Please by my roommate.."-her

"Hmmm... I can't say no for an answer though."-me

"Okey, I'm shizumi Dess and I will be your new roommate for then week"-her

"Well I'm (y-)"-I was cut off

"You don't need to introduce yourself (y/n)"-her


We walk together and then enter one of the cabin that she lead me into it.

"Wow, this place seems really fine."-her

"I agree."-me

I went to a room and it looks like it's the bedroom.. Well I guess this room is fine  with me since the window view is pretty cool, I can tell the garden is great. But then something caught my attention.... My eyes widen and then I jump out by the window and rush over Ayato...

"What do you think your doing here?"-me

"Because I missed you.."-him

"What if one of the sensei sees you?"-me

Suddenly his aura around him change and then his face was now very sinister and he speak in a sickly sweet voice.

"I will just have to kill them~"-him

I then saw someone approaching so I push Ayato inside the bush...phew, good thing this bosh is really huge.

"What are you doing there miss (L/n)?"-sensei

"I'm here checking the garden and it's very beautiful."-me

I smiled at her brightly and then decided to ask her too.

"Well what about you sensei?"-me

"I decided to roam around just invade if one of the boys tries to do perverted stuff to the ladies."- sensei

"Okey, it's nice chatting with you maybe I'll just have to water the plants since they are kinda dry."-me

"That would be lovely, well I got to go miss (l/n)."-sensei

After that conversation I pulled Ayato out of the bush.

"Dude you really need to go."-me


"No buts.."-me


And then off he goes, I just wish that sensei won't die she's just to nice for an early grave because somehow that would be sad.

😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁well now we have another chapter you guys!!!😍🤘🏻ohhh, don't you worry I'm still making updates but then it still takes time. Till next time😘

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