Yugyeom's jaw fell open, his excitement over the news waning. "You did!? And you never told me!?"

"I promised not to tell." Mark mumbled.

Yugyeom's head whipped over to the couple, still looking for an explanation. "Wait, so you told Mark and never told me!?"

Jaebum sighed, shaking his head. "No, Mark just... saw something that he interpreted incorrectly. That was before we confessed."

Mark raised a brow in confusion. "Really? But I saw Jinyoung straddling you in the closet?"

Yugyeom was floored by all the sudden information. "He did what now? Where?"

"No, that wasn't-" Jaebum groaned, covering his face with his hand. "Anyway, it doesn't matter, yes Jinyoung's my boyfriend and I'm proud to say it. Now serve us please."

"Wow, he gets a boyfriend and suddenly acts like we're his slaves." Yugyeom mumbled with an eye roll as Mark chuckled and walked off. "Yes master, what can I get you?"

"Shut up." Jaebum retorted. He ordered him and Jinyoung their bagels and coffee before finding a table near the window to sit and enjoy their small meals.

Jaebum couldn't be happier sitting across from Jinyoung; just being able to look up and see his glowing face was perfect. Though, Jinyoung wasn't glowing as bright as he usually did; Jaebum suspected that he was probably a bit tired or something. He didn't want to think too hard on it since he knew he jumps to conclusions quickly, so he instead tried to focus more on making conversation and enjoying Jinyoung's presence. 

He was at least able to make Jinyoung chuckle with a few corny jokes, which was nice to hear. And when he looked up again the angel had smeared cream cheese from his bagel across his bottom lip, the contrasting white attracting Jaebum's eyes to the plump pink flesh.

Jaebum instinctively leaned over and wiped part of it away with his thumb, pulling back slightly when Jinyoung jolted away from his touch. The angel watched Jaebum lick the cream cheese off of his finger, his cheeks flushing a rosy pink that made him ten times more adorable.

"Hey, I can wipe my face myself." Jinyoung muttered, the line familiar from when they had their first 'date' a few months ago in the restaurant with the couple's special.

The memory made Jaebum smile.

"Mhm, you sure can. But this way is more efficient." Jaebum replied, ignoring Jinyoung's statement as he leaned over the table to kiss away the remaining cream.

Jinyoung's lips were as warm and as soft as always, easy to get lost in and lose track of time and space; that was, until an annoying high pitched voice interrupted the moment. "Excuse me! No PDA allowed in the workplace!"

Jaebum pulled away and looked over at Yugyeom who was pretending to throw up behind the counter. "I'm not on duty, shut up!"

Jinyoung laughed at the two's exchange as he gently pushed Jaebum away. "You really shouldn't kiss me in public though. I mean, have some courtesy of others."

"Oh please, couples kiss all the time in public, no one actually cares." Jaebum replied, tugging Jinyoung closer to continue where they left off. "So, I'll kiss you all I want."

Their lips connected again, and Jaebum refused to allow Jinyoung to push him away, gripping his hand tightly and adding more pressure until the angel eventually gave up and melted against his lips. The sound of Yugyeom fake gagging in the background along with Mark giggling at the couple's shameless display of affection faded away, both of them too addicted to one another to acknowledge any interruptions.

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