Chapter 7

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3 Weeks Later

Yang's POV
"In two days, I'll be out of here and as soon as I am... Honestly I'm going to get some food." I tell Blake. She lies beside me on my hospital bed, cuddled into my side. A happy grin is plastered on her face. "Heh, it's been a while since you've smiled so much Blake, I like it." I look down into the eyes of my closest friend.

Blake sighs, "Well, we've been through a lot and I'm just happy it's all going to be sorted out in two days time."

I agree with a nod. "Yeah, it has been a wacky few months. I'm just hyped to get back to training." After saying this a thought hits me. "Say, Blake? When did you become so cuddly? Before I was sick, I was lucky to even put a hand on your shoulder, but now you're the one cuddling me!"

Damn, I shouldn't have spoke. As soon as the words left my mouth, Blake sat up, sadness plastering her face. "You really don't remember, do you?"

As I was about to reply Blake continues. "I thought the treatment you were being given, would make you remember. All of this was for nothing." She stands up from the bed and turns away to hide her face.

Completely confused by what she was saying, I blurt out a response "W-What was for nothing?" My confusion is evident in my voice.

She doesn't even turn to face me, she just stands shaking her head "It doesn't matter." Her voice was strained, she's holding back audible cries.

I am so confused.
When I made a move on Blake, she flipped out on me, but when I am friendly with her she gets upset. How can I win in this situation?
I sigh. Here goes nothing.

I launch forward, still sitting in my bed and wrap my arms around Blake's waist. She squeaks in surprise. Cute. Once I have secured her in my arms, I pull her up onto the bed and cuddle her from behind. I was expecting to be hit or something for this move on her, but to my surprise, she begins to... Giggle!

Blake's POV
"Ah." I let out a tiny screech of shock as I feel a pair of strong arms drag me back and lift me up. I soon realise it's Yang. When the realisation hits me, I can't help but laugh. I missed this so much. Just as I'm about to turn to face my beautiful blonde, she begins nuzzling into my neck. I laugh hysterically - it tickles.

I eventually turn to face Yang and cup her face. "I'm glad you're back." I whisper then place a kiss on her soft lips. She rewards me with a lopsided grin.

2 Days Later

"I'M HOME!" Yang yells as she bounces into the dorm. Ruby speeds up to Yang.



The two sisters hug.

Weiss rolls her eyes "Are you done?"

Yang grins, "Aww, I missed you too, Weiss." She drags the heiress into the hug with Ruby.

"Ahhh, Yang you golden oaf!" Weiss yelps but accepts the hug anyway.

I smile at the scene before me. Yang cracks an eye open to look at me, before I know it, I'm also in the group hug.

"Ugh." Ruby, Weiss and I all groan in unison as Yang squeezes us tighter.

"It's as if she was never sick." Weiss sighs.

Finally, Yang releases us. Me and the other two victims of Yang's hug took a couple of deep breaths whilst the culprit made her way back to her bed.

Yang's POV
Ah, finally. I've missed my bed. I jump onto it. Just as I'm about to settle down I notice a few things: Long, black strands of hair lie on my pillows, the covers are stained with tears, and the sheets are littered with books and tissues.

I turn to face my friends. My little sister and Weiss have just left the dorm saying they needed to tell team JNPR of my return, despite the walls only being thin meaning they probably heard the reunion anyway.

"Blake?" I ask questioningly. She looks at me, her pleased expression instantly drops. "Do we need to talk about something?"

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