Chapter 10

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Blake's POV
I jolt upright in my bed to find it was still dark. Looking to my right, I nearly die of fright when I find a pair of bright, lilac eyes peering at me, then a mass of blonde hair swaying with every movement.

"Are you alright, Blake? I came to see if you were ok 'cause you were crying in your sleep. You must have been having some nightmare. You kept calling for me as well, you know, shouting my name and stuff."

Without saying a word, I swiftly wrap my arms around the slightly taller girl's shoulders and pull her in close.

She laughs nervously. "Err Blake? Are you good?"

Whilst pulling away and holding her at arms length I nod with a smile plastered on my face. "Never better."

"Okay..." Yang trails. I gaze into her eyes, but she darts them away to avoid eye-contact. "Well, as long as you're all good. Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head. "No, it's fine. I don't really remember having a nightmare, so I haven't got anything to tell you about it."

Yang shrugs before standing. "Nightmares are funny things." She yawns with a stretch. "Goodnight, Blake. Sweet dreams." She was just about to climb back up onto her own bunk when I call her back.

"Wait, Yang?" I start. Where am I going to go with this?

She turns to look at me, ducking a little so she can see me from under her bed. "Yeah?"
I hesitate before asking, "Do you want to... Sleep with me?"

Her eyes widen. "WOW, Blake, this is so not like you. Are you sure this is Blake I'm talking to and not some shapeshifter?"

"I-I just thought that since we're together-" She cuts me off.

"Together?" She questions.

That's when my heart plummets. We're not together? But what about the past few months? Doesn't she remember them? Is she still sick? Have I damaged her memory permanently?

"I can stay with you if you like." Yang chuckles. Well, I wasn't about to say no. I shuffle up, hopefully I don't look as eager as I feel.

"That nightmare has really fuzzed up your head."

I sigh. "Yeah... The nightmare."

Yang's POV
Together. That word swarms around my head. What does she mean by that? Whatever that was, right now she needs me, so I'll be there for her. I hope she wasn't testing me to see how I reacted. Has she found out I have a crush on her? She can't have, right?

Silently, I slide into the bed next to her. Instantly, her arms slip around my waist and hold me tight. She uses my chest as a pillow like it was a natural thing for her to do.

"Is your pillow comfy enough?" I tease.

She sits up and glares at me. Even in the dark, I can still see those golden eyes piercing through me. "It is actually." She lies back down in her previous position.

I sigh. "Blake, something's going on, you're never like this - all cuddly and touchy-feely. I mean, I'm not complaining, it's just not you." I explain.

"Like you said, the nightmare's 'fuzzed up' my head, so just leave it. Goodnight, Yang." She breathes tiredly.

I smile as I look down at the dark haired girl. Cute. "Goodnight, Blake."


I wake up to the realisation that I can't move. Slowly but surely I flicker my eyelids open. There I find Blake still curled up in my arms fast asleep. Grinning, I kiss the top of her head, then slip out of her arms to get ready for the day ahead. I notice Ruby and Weiss have already left, I wonder why. I guess they would have seen me and Blake together, but I don't really care, it's no secret to them that I'm in love with the dark haired Faunus.

When I come out of the bathroom, I see that Blake has gotten ready and is now sitting on her bed with her legs crossed, looking at me so innocently. Damn... "Hey, Blake!" I chime.

"Good morning, Yang." She replies with a small smile. I sit next to her on the bed.

Blake's POV
She frustrates me to the extreme. Why does she keep forgetting everything? Dammit. I guess this might make her remember something. I lean forward whilst wrapping my arms around the slightly taller girl's shoulders and pull her close, tight. Pressing my lips to her's we share a messy, but deep kiss. I pull away soon after to find her gawping at me.

"B-Blake! How did you know that I-" she can't complete her sentence, so instead she frantically gestures between herself and I.

"Because we are together!" I aspirate.

Yang shakes her head. "No, we're not. I've had a crush on you for months, I didn't think the feeling was mutual, so I haven't said anything to you."

Clenching my fists, I stand up. "Ugh, how can you forget everything we've been through?"

She too stands up, much calmer than me. "Blake, I have no idea what you're talking about. What have we been through?"

I don't know what possessed me, but my fist ended up connecting to Yang's face in a single forceful swing.

There's that bright light again, piercing through my vision.

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