Chapter 13

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Blake's POV
My ears start to ring as they begin to pick up the sounds around me. The first sound I hear is the rapid rain, smashing down against the windows. The next thing I hear is the steady rhythm of a heart monitor. Where am I? Am I still at the hospital with Yang? The last thing I remember is her waking up... As I stir myself into the real world, I notice another sound; breathing - light breaths to my right. My eyes flutter open, instantly squinting against the low light pouring through the window. The first thing I notice is the mass of blonde hair resting over the shoulders of my partner, shielding her face.

I open my mouth to speak, quickly realising my voice won't work and my throat hurts immensely. I try to move, but that's also proven difficult - I feel so heavy. Looking down, I can't understand why I'm here. Yang's the one who's in hospital, not me. She has a head injury, I may have a few bruises here and there - nothing worth treating.

I try to talk again, still no sound will come out. I need to get Yang's attention. Whilst I'm accumulating a plan, Yang says something without moving from the position she's in. "I've really done it this time, huh Blake? I'm suppose to protect my team, not kill them." She pauses with a shaky breath then continues. "All your burns may have healed up with the stuff the doctors gave you for your aura, but... That still doesn't hide the fact that I'm the monster that hurt you." Snivelling, her shoulders began to shake. "I-I'm so sorry... Once you wake up you'll probably want nothing to do with me, but I refuse to leave your side. No matter what happens I'll always love you, even if you hate me." Yang rests her forehead on the edge of the bed as I feel her pull my hand closer to her.

Burns? I got burnt? None of this makes sense at all.

Yang's POV
As my shoulders shake in an attempt not to cry, I feel a hand rest gently atop my head. It can't be Ruby or Weiss, they're in class, same goes for Team JNPR, and I can't really see a teacher stroking my hair... Could it be? I freeze up, realising who's hand it is. I'm certain now - shape, size, softness!

I snap my head up, eyes locking onto sleepy amber. "Blake!" I burst. Her hand rests on my shoulder as she smiles weakly at me. I don't even know what to do, all I can do is bounce in my seat. I want to hug her, but what if I hurt her again? I want to say something, but what do I say? I'm brought back to reality when I feel her hand move in mine. Looking down, I notice I'm still holding her hand, as I've been doing for the past thirty-seven painstakingly long hours. She probably doesn't like this. "Oh, erm... Sorry!" Was all I could stammer out. As I try to remove my hand away from hers, I feel a slight tug on my arm. Eyebrows furrowed, Blake shakes her head slightly and keeps our hands joined. My gaze shifts between Blake and our hands, unable to compute what's happening. 'She's probably just nervous.' I conclude.

After what seemed like the best moments of my life, I hear a slight squeak. "Y-" Is all I get.

"Blake, what is it?" Why am I so jumpy?

She inhales deeply and tries again. "Yang-" Her voice is nowhere near a whisper. "Yang, I-" Her raspy voice is cut off by a sharp intake of air as she collapses back; the heart monitor starts going crazy.

I look at the girl before me in horror. "WHAT! NO! I WILL NOT LOSE YOU AGAIN! HELP! WE NEED HELP!" I scream as a whole medical squad come pouring through the double doors of Blake's room.


Today, as the rain strikes down from the heavens like knives, I stand by the window looking out in sorrow. The room behind me is empty... It feels like I've been standing here for days, when in reality, probably about two and a half hours. The bed that Blake once lay in has been cleared, all her medical equipment's long gone, every aspect of her ever being in this room, taken away.

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