Chapter 14

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Blake's POV
I understand everything now...
Yet, it still doesn't make complete sense...

Yang's next to me, close to tears. "I-I'm so sorry, Blake." She bursts shakily.

Once the nurse had given me my toast and left, Yang told me everything whilst I ate - about how she couldn't control herself, and how I forced myself through 'incredible, fiery pain'. I hold the empty plate in my hands and stare at it blankly. Why don't I remember any of this? Why do I remember it differently? The blonde next to me begins to fidget uncomfortably - I know she can't stand the silence between us.

"So, is what Ozpin said true?" I ask, keeping a fixed gaze on the chinaware.

From the corner of my eye I can see yellow curls flicker in and out of my line of vision. She lets out a rigid breath. "That's what he's concluded, but, I can't agree... I mean, sure, I can see where he's coming from, and it's probably true... I just can't understand why I'd attack you if I'm suppose to care about you." I hear her shift in her seat. "He told me that foreign emotions can be processed by my body in a more natural way for me - as in, fighting: it's practically my second nature."

"I see..." Is all I say. I can tell this wasn't the answer she was hoping for, but I'm still having trouble piecing together what actually happened; I just can't comprehend this whole situation! Plus, it still hurts to talk.

"If only I could turn back time." She mutters aimlessly. "I'd remind myself to think before doing something stupid... You probably hate me now..." She sighs dejectedly. "Which I can understand. I hate myself, how can I expect you to like me?"

She stands up - this makes me snap my head up to look at her. "Where are you going?"

Not even looking at me she shrugs. "Maybe the dorm..."

Before she can get any further away from me I grip her arm, gently yet firm. "Yang, stop!" Pausing, she looks at my hand on her arm, then back up at me. "Please, don't leave."

"Blake, I'm dangerous. The best place for me is as far away from you as possible, even if that means I have to leave Beacon." Yang declares.

Oh how I beg to differ. She's always such a drama queen! "The best place for you right now is here next to me."

She shakes her head. This girl has a lot to answer for! "I don't think so."

As she tries to pull away my mind races. So, if all of what I thought happened didn't actually happen, does this mean my subconscious mind is telling me I very much like Yang? Who am I kidding? - I'm head-over-heels for the blonde dope... She cannot leave!

With a strong yank at her arm, I pull her back, successfully making her stumble and grab on to my bed; we're now eye level - face to face. "Blake!" She gasps. "What was tha-!"

Cupping her cheeks, I cut her off by pressing my lips to her's in a messy kiss due to the surprise attack. When I pull away I notice Yang's eyes are at least double the size of what they normally are. "I don't hate you, Yang." I pick up one of her hands and give it a reassuring squeeze. "I love you."


Yang's POV
Half an hour later finds Blake running a hand through my hair soothingly as I lay next to her on the hospital bed.

Suddenly, the curtain is ripped back to reveal one of the nurses. Instead of the young male nurse, it's a grey haired, kind faced lady. Her jaw hits the ground and her eyes pop out of her head. "It's happening!" She shrieks in pure glee as she dances down the ward towards the nurse's station. "It's happening!"

"What's happening?" I question as I try to sit up only to be pulled back down by the girl next to me.

She sighs, "You'll find out."

Before long, near enough the entire medical team are crowded around Blake's cubical.

"Err... Blake?" I tilt my head in utter confusion.

She chuckles. "It's happening." She confirms.

There's a sudden outburst off one nurse in particular. A middle aged woman with brown hair. "They're too cuuuuute!"

What in the name of Grimm is going on?!

Blake's POV
I want to tell Yang what's happening, but quite honestly I'm caught up on how adorable her confused expression is.

The medical staff who have looked after me in the medical wing have shared stories with me whilst Yang hasn't been around. They tell me all about how worried Yang's been for me and how much she's cared to an extent where she's deteriorating her own health just in the hopes I'd wake up. Skipping classes, arguing with staff members, asking anyone she could who may have the answer to when I was going to wake up. They've been wanting us to get together ever since Yang 'heroically leaped' through the doors of Beacon's medical wing regardless of her own pain and injuries.

"Let's just say, they're all very fond of our relationship." I answer her vaguely.

She just stares at me blankly before smiling wildly. "I'm very fond of our relationship too." This encourages another collective 'aww'.

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