Chapter 9

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Blake's POV
The cool night air whistles through my hair. I inhale deeply, taking in the scent of the sweet sap of the trees and the beautiful smell of honey - the scent of the blonde sitting next to me. At the edge of a cliff overlooking the city of Vale, we sit on a rock, side by side, hand in hand. I smile as I look at my partner. Glistening lilac eyes which capture the stars gaze longingly up into the sky. The full moon reflects down and completes her perfect complexion, her full lips are quirked into a smile and her cheeks are slightly rosy. Devine.

Yang's POV
Raven hair flutters naturally in the calm breeze next to me. Amber eyes shine as the moonlight bounces upon them. Her pale complexion shimmers as we sit together on a surprisingly comfy rock. I watch as the light air slightly brushes past her bow, causing her to shiver. I chuckle and wrap an arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer. "A little chilly there?"

Blake nods and snuggles into my side. "But I have my portable radiator, so everything's okay now."

I laugh. "Is that all I am to you?" Watching her reaction, I mess up her hair. "I'm kidding."

She scowls at me. "Never again will you do that to my hair." Pushing my luck I rub my hand freely through her hair making it frizz up. Blake smirks. "How about I do it to your hair."

"Oh no, you don't!" I tackle Blake to the ground below us and we end up rolling down the hill leading up to the cliff we were previously sat upon. We laugh all the way.

Blake's POV
After tumbling with Yang for what seemed like forever, I find myself underneath said girl. Grinning stupidly up at her, she reflects my expression. She lowered herself down to capture my lips in a kiss. After beaming down at me, she shoots her head up to where we sat on the rock at the top of the cliff then jumps up. "Race you back to the top!" With that she speeds off.

"Cheat!" I call after her playfully. Of course, considering she got the head start, Yang won the race.

"I WIN!" She chants and self-congratulates. Such a child.

After Yang has finished her parade of celebration, we snuggle back down on the rock and I close my eyes, enjoying the company of my partner.

Something gently nudges me in the side. "Blake! Blake! It's starting!" Yang whispers for no particular reason. I open my eyes to reveal one of the most spectacular sights I have ever seen. There, before me, colour fills the sky. Greens into pinks, yellows into blues.

"The Northern Lights!" Yang breathes.

"The Northern Lights!" I echo without removing my eyes from the scene before me.

My breath is well and truly taken. How can this girl sitting here next to me, impress me so much with such a simple gesture? We're sitting at the top of a hill, past the Emerald Forest, gazing into the sky, and I'm having one of the best times of my life, all thanks to Yang.

"Yeah, you can see Atlas' harbour from here as well... It all seems so close from this spot despite how far away it actually is." I hear Yang comment, but I'm too awestruck to even form a single word. So, all I can do it nod with a slack jaw.

"Atlas...?" Something didn't seem right when she pointed that fact out, but my thoughts are interrupted and demolished by a kiss being planted on my head, spreading heat across my face.

Yang's POV
I sneak a glance over at Blake and watch as the colours in the sky lightly reflect upon the amazed expression. The reason I brought Blake to see the Northern Lights was because I remember her telling me ages ago that she'd want to go and see them after reading a story about them. When I was younger, Summer Rose, mine and Ruby's true mother, would take me and Ruby to a cliff at the end of the island back in Patch, to go and see them; it's how we'd always end a good day. Even from there, we were able to get a glimpse of Atlas... I wanted to experience that pure happiness I felt as a child with Blake, and share it with her.

With a peck on the cheek, she rests her head on my shoulder and loops both of her arms around my waist to pull me in closer. Resting my head on her's and tightening my grip on her, I begin to murmur to her. "I knew you'd love them."

Blake's POV
I sigh in contentment, as Yang kisses the top of my head. This night has been perfect. Ever since I read a love story, where the boy took the girl to go and see the Northern Lights, I've always wanted to go; Yang was that person to bring me here and show me something I've never seen before.

As the night draws on and the air becomes sharper, my vision begins to flicker. I don't want to fall asleep, because, although I feel safe and warm in Yang's embrace, I feel like I'll lose her, like something bad is going to happen if I do finally give in, and let the land of sleep take me.

My eyes grow heavier and heavier with every strain I enforce to stay conscious. "Just let go." I hear Yang whisper into my ear. With one last attempt to stay awake, my eyelids roll down like blinds, and my body slumps. Instead of darkness overtaking my vision, I am met with a bright, white light - almost blinding.
And then...

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