Chapter 4

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Yang's POV
I have an idea. If I drain my aura out then maybe, just maybe I can take back my body. Hopefully my body doesn't find Blake in the meantime. Hmm, my aura is strong though, so it could last for days like this... Oh, Blake, I'm sorry, if I had just ignored my feelings towards you none of this would have happened. Ugh, I can be so stupid sometimes. Why did I risk destroying our perfect friendship over feelings. GRAAAAAA. Whoa, wait a minute. When I got really angry I felt a whole load of aura leave me. That's it, if I express all my feelings of pain and anger I can drain my aura much quicker. But, that would mean I would be backing up the evil thing inside my body... If I were to find Blake during the process, I would have no chance of saving her. Well, Blake has been unfound for quite some time now, so hopefully she will stay missing for the best part of twenty minutes whilst I let my aura escape. I'm praying that this hatred inside my body will go with the aura.

Blake's POV
Where has Yang gone, I don't mean the Yang I see now, I mean the real Yang, the Yang who loves me and cares about me and doesn't want me dead. I wish I hadn't acted in such a way. I could have killed her. Imagine if I had killed her... I wouldn't have been able to live with myself, I couldn't bare a world without Yang being in it. My past always comes back to bite me. My past is the reason why I reacted in such a manner with Yang.

I smell burning. I'm more than certain it's Yang. I have been hiding in a hollowed out tree watching Yang search for me. Every now and then I would hear her call my name, for a split second I would think she has came back to me but then she will add something about breaking my spine so I simmer down.

If her emotions have got her like this... Then maybe her emotions can bring her back. If I show her that I'm not afraid of her and I love her unconditionally, then real Yang might return. I just hope it works otherwise I will probably end up being murdered by Yang.

Should I or should I not leave the tree? This is harder than I thought it would be.

"GRAAAAAA!" I hear Yang yell.

I might just stay in here for a few more minutes to see what happens. Looking out I can see Yang angrier than ever, her flames are roaring dramatically, her hair is standing upright, her hands are clenched in tight fists that are bound to leave marks in her palms and her beautiful lilac orbs have been replaced with the reddest of reds, looking closer I'm sure I can see flames in her eyes. Well, something must be really upsetting her right now, so I think it's best that I leave her be for the time being.

Half an hour later

Yang's POV
It's not working, why isn't it working? It's killing me to do this, literally. I need help. But, who would help me? Blake wouldn't, she's absolutely petrified of me and I don't blame her, right now I'm scared of me. I'm going to stop my aura from leaking out as best I can, if I do come in contact with Blake she'll have a chance of escaping my wrath. Please help me, Blake.

"PLEASE HELP ME, BLAKE!" I cried, wait I said that? Have I finally found a way to communicate through my body? "BLAKE, ARE YOU THERE?" I asked.

YES! I've found a way to talk to Blake. I have to talk through my aura, sounds easy but I'm telling you now, it is difficult. It's just annoying I have to shout everything, but I guess beggars can't be choosers, at least I'm doing something right here, I'm not sure what I'm doing, but it's something in my favor.

I can cry and yell all I want but it's not going to change the fact that Blake isn't going to come, even if she did come what could she do to help me? She probably doesn't believe it's me. What if I make her believe it's me? Not sure how that's gonna pan out, but it's worth a try. How about I say something that only I would know? Hmmm... Something I would only know... And Blake has to know I know... Ah ha! Got it! I was about to speak, but then I remembered, everything I know my body will know. I'm fighting a losing battle here. There are three things that are terrifying me right now, one, I could be trapped like this forever, two, I could end up killing Blake and three, when all this hopefully ends, what will Blake say to me? Will she hate me? Will she never be the same around me again?

Blake's POV
Why? Why would you do that? Why did you reject her? You know you love her. Many thoughts are circling around my head, all thoughts about Yang or involving Yang. Sighing, I close my eyes, wishing this was a horrible nightmare and in a minute I will wake up to find Yang sitting at the edge of my bed making sure I'm ok. Once again, my mind is drifting off to the kiss, it was so tender and loving even though it only lasted mere seconds.

"PLEASE HELP ME, BLAKE!" Yang? That has to be my Yang, hasn't it? I have to go to her. But, wait! Why would she be shouting like that if it is my Yang? Is she mad at me? Disappointed, maybe? "BLAKE, ARE YOU THERE?"

I can't hide in here forever, I have to get to the one I love most. I have to help her even if that means risking my life. She would do the same for me. Before my mind can catch up with my actions, I scramble out of the hole in the tree and dart behind another one. Peaking out from behind the tree, I can see Yang aimlessly walking around in circles.

"PLEASE, BLAKE, IT'S REALLY ME! I NEED YOUR HELP! I'M TRAPPED!" Yang screams. Her voice still sounded angry and her body still looks peeved but somewhere deep inside that voice I could hear panic, fear and, above all, Yang. Gritting my teeth and closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and shakily let it out. My eyes lock onto my target. With a burst of energy and courage, I run to the jack-o-lantern and hug her with all my might.

"I'm sorry, Yang, I'm sorry, please, forgive me!" I beg. "I love you!" Yang hasn't moved at all, she hasn't reacted to my hug or nothing. Usually, she's the one giving the killer hugs, but now it's my turn to crush her in a bear hug.

"Please!" I continue to plea. My eyes sting as tears roll down my cheeks and fall onto Yang's chest. The heat from Yang's body is tremendous. My head tells me to let go of the flame, otherwise you will burn, but my heart tells me to never let go. Listening to my heart, I tighten my grip and hope for the best.

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