Chapter 12

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Yang's POV
Come on, Blake, please wake up. I'm sorry. I hate myself for doing this to you.

I hold my partner's limp hand in both of my own, resting my elbows on my lap with a drooped head. Over thiry-six hours I've been sitting here, refusing to leave Blake's side. Ruby and Weiss have been in and out, checking up on both Blake and myself; I can tell they're equally as worried about me as they are for Blake.

I can't believe I hurt her, Blake, the girl who's completely stolen my heart. No matter what happens between us, I will always love her... Even if that love is never returned.

Back in the forest, Blake had ran up to me; she had came out of her hiding place and hugged me as tight as she possibly could. This would have been a nice moment, if it weren't for the flames engulfing my body which completely depleted her aura, scorching her exposed skin, burning through her clothes then cooking her alive. Blake, the poor girl, clung on to me for dear life, praying that I came back to her. I came back a little too late...

I managed to fight that evil disturbance inside of me with Blake's help, but by the time I had regained control, Blake had collapsed in my arms with blistered skin.
Scooping her up in my arms, I raced back to Beacon. I wasn't going to let anything stop me from getting this girl the medical attention she desperately needed.

So here it is, what happened in the forest: Yang Xiao Long - the idiot - nearly murdered Blake Belladonna - the love of her life... How could I do this to her?

When I first burst through the doors of Beacon's A&E, Blake was instantly whisked away from me in one direction and I, much to my disapproval, was shoved off in the opposite direction. They tended to my head injury and checked my aura levels. As soon as they gave me the all clear, I shot off in the direction of Blake. Nothing was going to stop me from seeing Blake.

I was told to wait outside when I reached the room Blake was getting treated in; I was told the doctors and nurses needed room. Outside the room, I sat and waited, impatiently fidgeting, for a member of the medical team working on Blake to come and get me, to tell me that everything was going to be ok, to say that she would be fine, no damage, just a little scare. I wanted to hear Blake's voice tell me that everything was alright and there was no need to worry...
I still haven't heard her voice since the accident.

Professor Ozpin joined me, by taking a seat next to me, whilst sipping his coffee. "Miss Xiao Long, you understand why I'm here, do you not?"

I sighed. "Professor Ozpin, just drop the formalities and lay it to me." I was completely and utterly done with everything. I just wanted to go back to the dorm with Blake, have a great time all together as a team, and sleep.

"Yang, I want you to know that if you are to need anything, anything at all, you can always go to one of your team mates, your friends, your sister, your teachers or even me. You have people all around you that care very much about you, don't shut them out because you blame yourself for this." Ozpin smiled gently.

I spun round to glare at him, eyes flashing red. "But, it was my fault! If it wasn't for me and these- these ANGER ISSUES, Blake wouldn't be in this mess!"

His features relaxed. "You don't have anger issues, and it wasn't your fault."

"Then how come I get really angry and I can't control myself?!" I clenched my fists.

"You have a strong aura and semblance, Miss Xiao Long, it takes a lot of courage and strength to simply control it. Sometimes, when a strong, unknown, and confusing emotion is encounted, it becomes difficult for you to comprehend, so your body - upon natural instinct - will react in a way it's use too. Fighting, for example, that's second nature to you, is it not?" He explained.

I nodded. "Well, yeah. I've been fighting since I was a kid, so it just kinda comes naturally to me." I felt myself calm down, my eyes settling back to their usual violet hue in the process.

"So, fighting is a natural instinct of yours, as it is of most Huntsmen and Huntresses. Your body encountered an unfamiliar situation and dealt with it by fighting back, that aggression happened to be aimed at your team mate, Blake. All I want to know is-" He lent in closer to me. "How are you going to deal with this situation?"

I pondered about the question for a short while before comprising an answer together. "I'm going to be strong for Blake, and, Ruby and Weiss. There's no good in me destroying myself over this until Blake is well again, because it's not going to help her. We need all the support we can get, so being there for each other will help."

Ozpin smiled slightly. "Good, that is what we like to hear. Now, at a time like this we must be strong for one another, even if it's proven difficult. We must get past our strifes and stride towards a brighter future, whatever that may be." He stood up and took a sip from his coffee. "We must keep moving forward, Yang, even at the most difficult of times. If we were to back down at every low point in our lives, would we ever get anywhere?" With that, he took his leave.

Well, here I am, watching my partner suffer due to the poor management of my emotions... How could I ever think that Blake Belladonna might actually be in love with the hotheaded blonde she has for a partner? If I had just left Blake alone (which she requested to be) and I let her read in the first place, none of this would have happened - there wouldn't be this time of worry, Ruby and Weiss wouldn't have had to get new beds - but most importantly, Blake wouldn't be in the condition she is now... THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!

I shake Blake's hand desperately. "YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP!"

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